
Finding Relief From Your Auto Accident Injuries

Most Common Auto Accident Injuries From Your Charlotte Chiropractor

auto accidents

Being involved in an auto accident is a scary, stressful experience and when you sustain injuries, it becomes even more overwhelming and personal. Although a fender bender happens about every few seconds, there are many auto accidents in Charlotte that result in serious, even life-threatening injuries. It is common to be in an accident and think you are fine, until a few days later when you begin to experience headaches, back pain, neck pain and/or the symptoms of whiplash. In order to ensure you recover from your injuries quickly, it is important to seek chiropractic care as soon as possible following an accident. Here are just a few of the common injuries that can occur as a result of an auto accident.

Weig Chiropractic Center Provides Relief of Your Auto Accident Injuries

Being in an auto accident can result in injuries to any part of your body; both inside and outside. While some people may experience, headaches, back pain or neck pain immediately following the accident, some people may not be aware of the symptoms of an injury until a few days or even a few weeks after their accident happened. Because many of the injuries that are sustained during an accident can have a long-term effect on your comfort and quality of life, it is critical that seek chiropractic care as soon as possible following an accident. Some of the most common injuries sustained from automobile accidents may include:

  • Whiplash-this is the most common injury sustained in automobile accidents. If you are rear ended, this type of injury can occur, regardless of how fast the vehicles are traveling.
  • Head injuries, some of which can result in long-term effects, can be serious, especially if not treated immediately.
  • Back injuries, which often include a herniated disc, fractured vertebrae, neck sprains/strains and/or back sprains/strains. Back pain can last for a few days to lifetime, so it is essential that you seek attention from your chiropractor in Charlotte as soon as possible following your accident. Damages to your spine may lead to lifelong, chronic back pain and possibly even disability. Working with a chiropractor is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of permanent damages.

How is Chiropractic Care Beneficial For Auto Accident Injuries

During a back, neck or whiplash injury, the muscles and ligaments in your body can go through extensive tearing and stretching. Chiropractors are specialized in providing treatments that can help to restore the optimal alignment; ultimately improving the health of your bones, nerves, muscles and connective tissue. Following a trauma, chiropractic treatments are the best resource for the health of your spine, back and neck. Treatments may include massage, spinal decompression and regular exercises that can help speed the healing process and possibly prevent future problems.

Beginning your recovery starts with seeking help for your injuries. It is important for your health and your future to seek treatment as soon as possible following an auto accident. The sooner you make an appointment for chiropractic care in Charlotte, the sooner you will know what type of injuries you have and what treatments are available to help you overcome the pain of your injuries.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Charlotte Chiropractor

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, contact Weig Chiropractic Center to schedule a consultation and learn about the treatment options we have available for your specific injuries.