
How to Prevent Migraines

Migraine Treatment with Our Charlotte Chiropractor

Just about everyone has headaches from time to time. But if you or a loved one has ever had a migraine, then you know just how painful this type of a headache can be. 

headaches and migraines

Ways Our Chiropractor in Charlotte Treats Headache Pain

Our chiropractor in Charlotte, Dr. Toby Weig, is a certified chiropractic physician who has been practicing since 2000. He offers a variety of drug-free techniques at his facility that can help migraine sufferers experience less intense and/or less frequent headache pain and related symptoms:

  • Chiropractic adjustments - Very often, migraine headaches are related to minor misalignments (subluxations) within the spine. While you may not "feel" these misalignments, they may lead to strain in your neck, which can trigger spasms in the muscles of your neck, head, and jaw. It is believed that such tension can trigger a migraine headache, or make you more sensitive to other environmental triggers that can bring on your symptoms (e.g., stress, bright lights, strong smells, etc.). 

    Chiropractic adjustments help realign your spine, thereby reducing the strain on your cervical spine and helping to relieve tension in your muscles. Interestingly, research shows that high-grade manipulations like adjustments can even dial down the intensity of pain signals being sent via the nervous system, so in addition to preventing migraines, an adjustment may even help you relieve your symptoms if you are actively having one (or in the post-migraine window). 
  • Physical therapy - Physical therapy (also known as physiotherapy) uses modalities (like cold laser therapy, interferential electrical stimulation, and TENS units), manual techniques, and rehabilitative exercises to support chiropractic adjustments, improve posture, improve function, improve circulation, promote healing, and strengthen the neuromuscular system, all of which can help prevent recurring migraines and/or lessen the intensity of migraine symptoms.
  • Massage therapy - Massage facilitates healing by improving blood flow. Since migraines are believed to be related to a sudden constriction then dilation of blood vessels into the head, massage can play a role in mitigating this vasodilation effect. 

Of course, therapeutic massage is also calming and restorative. It is exactly what you need if you're stressed out and struggling with migraine pain. 

Is Migraine Pain Holding You Back? Give Chiropractic Care a Try 

If you're struggling with recurring migraines or jaw, neck, and back pain associated with this condition, then we invite you to call the Weig Chiropractic Center in Charlotte at 704-596-9400. We understand just how frustrating and debilitating migraine headaches can be, and Weig Chiropractic can deliver natural and drug-free pain relief to help you get back to your life. Call us today, and be sure to ask us about our new client specials!