
Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Treating Common Auto Injuries From Your Charlotte Chiropractic Team

Auto accidents can be devastating to the human body, resulting in serious injuries and ongoing pain and debilitation. Even when injuries are not obvious, victims can find themselves suffering from pain and lack of mobility weeks and even months after the accident occurred. At Weig Chiropractic, we have extensive experience treating auto accident injuries using gentle, effective, non-invasive chiropractic treatments. If you are in the Charlotte metro area, please contact us to learn more about what we can do for you and your injuries.

Car Accident

Common Injuries Resulting from Auto Accidents

A substantial amount of force is generated in a car crash, enough to do serious damage to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints and other soft tissues. Some of the most common auto accident injuries we treat include:


Whiplash most commonly results from rear-end accidents, where the head whips back and forwards after impact. The whipping motion of the head can strain and tear soft tissues, leading to stiffness, pain and lack of mobility.

Neck Pain

Whiplash is only one kind of neck injury that can occur in a car accident. The cervical spine is fragile and can sustain a variety of injuries in a crash, including disc injuries and other soft tissue damage.

Back Pain

The discs, nerves and other soft tissues in the spine can be twisted, stressed and even torn during a car accident. The resulting pain can range from minor to severe, and can last for years after the accident.

Joint Pain

Shoulders, ankles, knees, hips, elbows and other joints can all be damaged in a car accident. Depending on how your body was positioned and what happened in the accident, you may find yourself with pain and lack of mobility in one or more joints.

How a Chiropractor Can Help

After we conduct a careful and thorough examination to determine the nature of your injuries, we will design a customized treatment program that may include:

Chiropractic Adjustments

Adjustments from a chiropractor can help to return alignment to your spine, relieve pressure on nerves and discs, and encourage healing.

Soft Tissue Therapies

Massage therapy, cold laser therapy and other soft tissue therapies can help to relieve pain, return range of motion, encourage healing, reduce inflammation and maintain your adjustments.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression can gently stretch your spine to create space between the vertebrae, allowing discs to return to their original positions, blood flow to increase and reducing pressure on nerves that are causing pain and discomfort.

Rehabilitative Exercises

We can help you strengthen your body so that it maintains proper alignment, which aids in healing and helps prevent further injuries.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

Were you hurt in an auto accident? If you were, it is important that you get appropriate medical care. Please give us a call at 704-596-9400 today to schedule your initial exam and learn about your treatment options.