
Back Pain from Sitting

How Sitting Too Much Can Cause Back Problems

It’s well-known that a sedentary lifestyle is not particularly healthy for a person. What some people may not realize, however, is that sitting too much can be one of the biggest causes of lower back pain. Although genetics and other health conditions may also contribute to the likelihood of your suffering from back issues, sitting in one spot for hours on a daily basis certainly doesn’t help. Muscles weaken when they’re not being consistently used and joints lose lubrication when they’re inactive, making them more prone to age quickly. It’s no surprise that office workers are one of the groups who have the highest percentage of lower back-related pain complaints and injuries.

office back pain from sitting too long

Sitting Incorrectly Can Also Cause Back Problems

If you have a job where you must sit all day at a desk, regularly standing up and stretching is a must in order to avoid developing lower back pain. But it’s also important to be aware of how you’re sitting. Maintaining good posture is a lot harder to do when you’re in a sitting position. Repeatedly sitting in a hunched over position can cause spine curvature, strained neck, weakened stomach muscles, and, more seriously, heart disease or high blood pressure due to decreased blood flow.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Back Pain

Since the basic nature of chiropractic is focused on bringing the body back into balanced alignment through specifically targeted manual spinal adjustments, it is the perfect modality for helping to alleviate back problems which are often the result of misaligned spinal joints. By using hands-on care, chiropractors can quickly locate the underlying cause of pain and begin to work on making immediate physical adjustments that will bring relief. Many people report feeling much better after just one chiropractic treatment. Tools and techniques that we use to help heal our patients include:

  • Spinal manipulation - adjustment of the joints to loosen painful pinching of the nerves and to properly realign joints.
  • Spinal decompression - adjustment that makes use of a special table which allows more pressure to be applied to the affected joints, bringing about more immediate relief.
  • Physical therapy
  • Massage
  • Nutritional counseling

New Client Special

At Weig Chiropractic Center, we are committed to helping our patients experience a more active, healthy, pain-free lifestyle. We know that regular chiropractic care can achieve this goal with all-natural, drug-free, non-invasive treatments. We love to share our knowledge and skills in the chiropractic way of living with the community, so we invite new patients to come in for a FREE consultation. We know that once you get more information that you’ll agree that chiropractic is a wonderful way to maintain holistic health for yourself and your family. Call 704-596-9400 today to schedule an appointment!