
Non-Surgical Treatment

Chiropractic Treatment Offers A Non-Surgical Option For Pain

If you suffer from a painful back, neck or other spine-related condition, you may want relief from your discomfort but have concerns about taking medications or undergoing surgery. Chiropractic care offers another option that has no side effects and does not require a long recovery time. Millions of people have been helped by chiropractic treatment, and innovative methods are offering new hope for people who deal with painful conditions.

Chiropractic Treatment Offers A Non-Surgical Option For Pain at Weig Chiropractic Center

Conditions Your Charlotte Chiropractor Can Help

Chiropractors have experience in treating a variety of painful conditions that impact individuals’ ability to perform normal work tasks or engage in recreational activities they enjoy. A herniated disc can occur when the discs that cushion the bones of the spine become damaged. A bulging disc can be the source of chronic back pain. Stenosis is another problem that develops when the spinal canal becomes narrowed, creating pressure on nerves. A related problem, sciatica, also caused by compression of nerves, can be treated with chiropractic methods. Neck pain from auto accidents is another common problem that can produce ongoing discomfort. Arthritis, related to aging, can cause pain at a number of points in the body and can be relieved through chiropractic techniques. Carpel tunnel syndrome that develops from repetitive motion can be helped with chiropractic care. Headaches and migraine conditions can also be treated. Even arm and leg pain can be helped with chiropractic methods.

Auto Accidents, Sport Injuries, and Work Injuries

Your Charlotte chiropractor can address a number of injuries that are caused by auto accidents, athletic activities or work tasks. Treatment plans are tailored to your needs and may include a variety of methods to relieve pain and improve range-of-motion. We can also provide advice on nutritional support and lifestyle changes that will help to prevent injury in the future.

Call Weig Chiropractic Center For Pain Relief

Dr. Toby Weig is committed to providing superior care to patients, with individualized plans that address their unique needs. We provide a variety of techniques to help to reduce pain and improve overall function, including Surface Electromyography for diagnosis, spinal manipulation, spinal decompression techniques, soft tissue laser therapy, rehabilitative exercise and nutritional counseling. New patients are invited to come for a full examination, proposed treatment plan details and information on insurance and other expenses, with no cost or obligation, a $175 value. Call Weig Chiropractic Center today at 704-596-9400 to make an appointment to discuss the non-surgical options that are available to help your spine-related discomfort.