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When to see a chiropractor

When to See Our Bellbrook Chiropractor

The complex mechanism we call the musculoskeletal system is a marvel of biological engineering. Humans can walk, run, dance and engage in many other activities if they have the necessary strength and flexibility. Accidents, aging and degenerative changes, as well as poor nutrition, posture and lifestyle choices, can have a significant impact on people's ability to do things without pain. At Integrative Health and Sports Performance in Bellbrook, we can help restore function and overall health.


What Chiropractors Do

Chiropractors spend years learning how the musculoskeletal system works and what happens when things go wrong. In addition, their focus on overall wellness includes training in nutrition, lifestyle management, corrective exercise and posture analysis. All of these factors interact with each other to promote your health. For example, smoking decreases the amount of oxygen to the muscles and can make chronic pain worse. Foods like grains and sugars can cause inflammation or trigger migraines. A chiropractor can adjust your spine or other joints, suggest changes in your posture or exercise routine, and make dietary and supplement recommendations.

Chiropractic Treatments and Care

Manual adjustments of the spine and joints are the number one treatment modality in chiropractic care. A misalignment in any joint – including the spinal joints – causes short, uneven, tense muscles, pain and limited range of motion. However, once the alignment problem is corrected, the doctor will usually recommend exercises designed to prevent the condition from happening again. Conditions like sports injuries and sciatica may respond to laser treatment, massage and corrective posture training. Poor nutrition can make your body more susceptible to injuries and affect your endurance. Many people can benefit from dietary supplements to reduce nutrient deficiency. All of these treatments are part of a chiropractor's domain.

Conditions a Chiropractor Can Treat

Chiropractic treatment is used for many different conditions and diseases. Among these are:

  • Sports injuries and auto accidents that result in whiplash or other musculoskeletal pain.
  • Chronic back and neck pain from injuries or sciatica.
  • Tension and other kinds of headaches such as migraines.
  • Muscle imbalances such as weak or overly tight muscles.
  • Overweight and obesity.
  • Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ).
  • Shoulder, arm, hip or knee pain.
  • Repetitive motion injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendinitis.
  • Wellness promotion through manual adjustment, posture correction, nutrition counseling and dietary supplements.

Schedule an Appointment with Integrative Health + Sports Performance Today!

If you suffer from chronic pain or want to improve your overall health, please contact us at Integrative Health and Sports Performance. Our doctors and staff want to help you be as healthy and pain-free as possible. We serve Bellbrook, Dayton and the surrounding areas with chiropractic adjustments, laser therapy, massage and other forms of treatment. We have a strong focus on sports injuries and performance improvement.

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Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


By Appointment Only (Dr. Curry)


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

