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Barefoot Running

Athletic shoes have made big advances in technology to provide runners with the most comfortable shoes and every year a new shoe comes out that is said to have more cushion and support than the last. However, over the last few years we have seen a trend amongst runners and athletes to barefoot running. So is barefoot running really better? Yes and no. When you wear a running shoe, it causes your heel to be elevated which causes it to strike the ground earlier in your running stride. By doing this, it can alter your running mechanics and over time can lead to ankle, knee, and hip injuries, just to name a few. There have been studies that show an increased incidence in these types of injuries that coincide with advances in running shoes. However, in barefoot running you lose that protection around your foot while running. This can lead to injuries such as metatarsal stress fractures, puncture wounds, bruising and abrasions.

Want to give barefoot running a try? Many shoes advertise a “minimalist shoe” that protect your from environmental injury but allow for the barefoot training effect. However, a lot of these shoes still have a raised heel. So it is a step in the right direction but you want to try to find a shoe that has as little heel lift as possible.

  • Start with walking and gradually work into running
  • Progress gradually into short runs – approximately 10-20% increase each week in the lengths of your run
  • Watch where you run! Even with the minimalist shoes you can still step on something to cause injury
  • A little soreness is common during the transition, but you should stop immediately on the onset of pain

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