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Massage Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Massage Therapy Can Relieve Lower Back Pain

Aside from the fact that a massage can be relaxing and enjoyable, a sort of pampering gift you give yourself to lessen stress and break away from daily cares, there is mounting evidence that the proper form of massage can set in motion healing properties that have a lasting effect on your physical health and wellness.

Different Kinds of Massage

There is a staggering array of varying massage techniques recognized: Deep Tissue Massage, Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, Acupressure, Shiatsu, Geriatric Massage and Reflexology, among numerous others. Individual techniques have ardent followers, and are used in tandem with other pain relief and healing therapies in an effort to encourage wellness. Chronic conditions can be helped through massage, and it is also used as a restorative therapy to restore function and mobility.

Massage is increasingly used to complement traditional chiropractic therapy, to relieve lower back pain that does not immediately respond to traditional adjustment, and as an adjunct to sports training or exercise regimens. Gentle massage is of benefit for those who have migraines; reflexology, the targeted massage of the feet, relieves pain from plantar fasciitis and eases foot, heal and leg pain. Administered by trained professionals, massage therapy can prolong and extend the benefits of primary physical therapy, chiropractic and medical care. It relaxes muscles, restores muscle tone and range of motion, helps prevent further damage to soft tissues and increases helpful endorphin levels. Utilized as part of a team approach, regular massage can speed recovery from surgery or injury.

In addition to the physical benefits, massage has also been demonstrated to reduce depression and anxiety, and to aid patients with sleep disorders.

Neuromuscular massage, which may be painful at first, increases circulation of blood and oxygen, and helps reduce muscle spasms. It is the primary massage therapy for lower back pain, because it involves varying amounts of pressure applied to specific trigger points. Two-way communication is important to regulate the applied pressure. Pain should not be severe. Some soreness may be experienced following a massage session, but any lingering pain should completely disappear within 24 to 36 hours, and the muscles should remain relaxed for from four to 14 days.

There are some contraindications for massage therapy, and our chiropractor will explain the reasons if massage is not right for your condition. Most practitioners do not recommend deep massage when inflammation is present; if you suffer from arthritis, consult with your medical professional or our chiropractor for further advice.

Do you have a concern about a chronic condition? Have you suffered a sports injury? Please call us to schedule an appointment for a complimentary consultation. Let's begin the process of restoring your well-being. We at Cornerstone Chiropractic will consider the "wholeness" of treatment before we recommend any specific treatment. The body, when it operates at prime efficiency, is a "machine" with a wide variety of interactive parts. It is important that we use every form of treatment that is appropriate in order to assure its operating efficiency.


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