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Personal Injury

Personal Injury Chiropractor

Experiencing a personal injury can be a life-disrupting event. Depending on the type and severity of your injury, you may not be able to work or take care of your family. It can be useful to visit a chiropractor soon after an accident so that the extent of your injuries is known from the very beginning. Receiving treatment immediately after the injury occurs might allow for more complete healing with less scar tissue or future complications. We at Cornerstone Chiropractic in Everett, WA, are here to help you get back on your feet.


What Is a Personal Injury Chiropractor?

A personal injury chiropractor is a healthcare professional who uses chiropractic treatment options to help diagnose and treat a variety of injuries that are the result of different types of personal injury accidents. A chiropractor who can help with these types of injuries may also be able to help in filing the insurance claims associated with the accidents that caused them.

Different Types of Personal Injuries

There are many different types of personal injuries. Joint dislocations, bruises, lacerations, herniated discs, and whiplash are just a few personal injuries a chiropractor can help treat. With treatment and continued care, we may be to help you hasten the healing process and move forward with your life. Addressing the injury itself may allow the body to heal properly without an excess of scar tissue.

Personal Injuries and Chiropractic Care

The injuries often associated with personal injury accidents can respond well to the injury treatment options associated with chiropractic care. Our personal injury chiropractor knows that treating the cause of your pain can help provide longer-lasting relief than just treating the symptoms. Treating the cause can help ensure that the injury has a chance to heal more completely. This may help lower the risk of chronic pain and allow you to continue to move forward with the healing process.

Visit Our Personal Injury Chiropractor in Everett, WA, for Your Chiropractic Care Needs

If you live in Everett, WA, call us at Cornerstone Chiropractic for all of your personal injury needs. Being involved in an accident is a frightening experience. Dealing with the pain and suffering can be overwhelming. Contact us to schedule your first appointment with our personal injury chiropractor. Our chiropractor can put together a pain management plan to help you get back to fulfilling your responsibilities. We are here to help you regain your health and get back on track. Call us at (425) 379-6301 to get chiropractic care for injury treatment and pain management.


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