How weight gain leads to knee pain: A chiropractor's perspective

I often see people with knee pain.  In most cases, the person does not know exactly why their knee can not handle their lifestyle whether it is active or inactive.  When we gain weight, it is not uncommon to have knee pain.  

Our knees are used all day long by sitting, jumping, walking, standing and bending.  These joints have to handle about 80% of your body weight when standing and about 150% when walking.  If someone weighs 160 pounds, it equals around 240 pounds of force!  That is a lot for a joint to take. 

How does Inflammation and stress lead to arthritis?

Inflammation causes the body to move improperly and joints to begin to start the process of trying to stabilize the area leading to arthritis.  Stress on the joints also cause osteophytes which are jagged bone growth in the area in an effort to keep the joints from slipping out of place.  

When arthritis occurs, it leads to the joints rubbing on tissue and nerves leading to pain, swelling, stiffness and less ability to move correctly.  

Losing weight will take this stress off of the joint and help pain and inflammation decrease.  Even taking off 10 pounds of weight can lead to 40 pounds of alleviate stress off of the knee.  

What can I do to help me lose weight and help my joints?

Diet and Exercise of course!

Foods that can help you lose a bit of weight:

1. Fatty fish: (fat is burned slower by the body and you will have less cravings)
Salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and are good for weight loss.  

2. Nuts

3. Beans

4. Eggs

5. Skinless chicken

6. Lean meat

7. Cover most of your plate with vegetables and greens

8. Decrease processed sugar

9. Stay away from bread, pasta or at least have small amounts.

10. Keep a food journal to really track what you are eating


It can be hard to exercise when your joints hurt so finding ways to workout without being in pain varies for each person.  Here are some ways to work out that can help with weight loss. If any of these are painful, try and find a modification to help you get a workout in.  

  1. Aerobics: Walking, swimming, rowing. Swimming is the best first option but if you do not have access to a pool, walking and rowing are wonderful to keep your heart and body healthy.  

  2. Resistance exercises: weight lifting, body weight exercises

  3. Stretching: It is always good to stretch and it will keep the blood flow moving and keep the muscles relaxed. 

Getting stress off of your knee is imperative for a long healthy lifestyle. If you can’t move, your body will not get the nutrition it needs sent through the body.  Your organs and systems will work harder and your lifestyle will be greatly effected.  

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF is a San Francisco, CA and San Carlos, CA chiropractor that understands full body health.  She works with athletes, expectant moms, office workers and everyone else in between.  Contact our San Francisco, CA chiropractic office or San Carlos, CA chiropractic office today!


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