Auto Accident Injury FAQs

If you've been involved in a car accident and are now suffering from an auto accident injury, you might have lots of questions about chiropractic care and your recovery process. While everyone's recovery process is different, one thing is certain - a chiropractor can help provide chiropractic treatment that can help reduce your pain and speed up your recovery journey.


At Grosman Chiropractic Clinic PLLC in Greensboro, NC, we provide high-quality care for our clients who have been victims of car accidents. Our goal is to help our patients feel their best again as they did before their accident. We want to help our clients through their journey and will be here to answer any questions and concerns they might have. Below are frequently asked questions that can help ease your mind.

What are Common Auto Accident Injuries?

There are many different types of auto accident injuries. However, some of the most common include:

  • Whiplash, is a condition caused by the whipping motion of the neck back and forth
  • Internal injuries such as trauma to the organs or closed fractures of the bones
  • Dislocate bones
  • Muscle strains and sprains, especially in the arm, shoulder, and wrist area
  • Muscle tears
  • Concussions
  • Lacerations and Bruising

Do I Need Auto Accident Injury Treatment?

For some very mild injuries, your body might heal itself with rest and time. However, if you continue to experience pain from your injuries, have worsening pain, or have new symptoms, it's best to speak to your chiropractor.

Can a Chiropractor Help Treat My Injuries?

Your chiropractor can help treat injuries through chiropractic care such as chiropractic adjustments, which can help realign the spine. The spine might become misaligned due to a severe impact during an accident, causing tension and pain as well as headaches.

They can also conduct muscle exercises and massages to encourage healing, improve strength and mobility in injured muscles, and alleviate tension.

How Long Will It Take to Recover?

Everyone is different. Your chiropractor will tell you how many sessions you will need, as well as how long sessions will take. Some chiropractic sessions will take anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes per session, and this time might be adjusted as your treatment progresses.

Find the Chiropractic Care You Deserve At Grosman Chiropractic Clinic PLLC

At Grosman Chiropractic Clinic PLLC, we're on a mission to help you feel relief from your auto accident injuries and get you the chiropractic care you need to live free of pain. Call us today to schedule an appointment at our office in Greensboro, NC, and see how we can help you live your best life again!

Grosman Chiropractic Clinic PLLC

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8:00 am - 12:30 pm 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
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8:00 am - 11:00 am