Whiplash Auto Injuries

Understanding Whiplash Auto Injuries

Whiplash is a term used to describe an injury of the neck that occurs when the upper body is thrown forward and then backward, in a jolting stop, a movement that often occurs in auto accidents. The motion closely resembles the cracking of a whip, which is why the name was given. The action of this sudden forward-and-backward movement can cause damage to both the discs and the soft tissue of the neck and upper back, causing a number of symptoms that can be troublesome and can interfere with normal activities. Many patients prefer to avoid relying on pain relievers and invasive surgery to relieve pain and correct functional problems of whiplash. Our Greensboro chiropractic clinic can help to relieve discomfort from whiplash auto injuries, without the use of toxic medications or invasive surgical procedures.

whiplash auto injury treatment from your chiropractor in greensboro

Symptoms Caused by Whiplash Auto Injuries

The symptoms of whiplash can vary from one individual to another. Some people only experience temporary discomfort in the neck. However, others may experience diffuse and lasting problems. Some common symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, the stiffness of the neck, reduced range of motion, pain on movement, frequent headaches, dizziness, fatigue and tenderness in the shoulders, arms or upper back. But some individuals may also experience depression, memory problems, vision disturbances, sleep problems or ringing in the ears after a whiplash injury. Because of the range of severity of the problem, your chiropractor in Greensboro will design an individualized plan of chiropractic care for your specific needs.

Chiropractic Treatment For Whiplash Auto Injuries

Your Greensboro chiropractor may utilize a number of different techniques to resolve whiplash discomfort. Manual adjustment can help to re-align vertebrae in the upper spine that have been affected by the auto accident. Muscle relaxation techniques can help to improve soft tissue function in the neck and upper spine. Muscle stimulation can facilitate healing in tissues. Special exercises can improve muscle strength and function, both in the neck and upper back. Finally, the chiropractor can also offer advice on ergonomic changes that will produce less strain on the neck muscles and spinal discs, to prevent further injury to the area. Lifestyle changes can also reduce the stress on these structures to maintain normal function of the neck muscles and upper spine.

Contact Grosman Family Chiropractic Clinic For Whiplash Auto Injuries

Dr. Grosman and the highly-trained staff at Grosman Family Chiropractic Clinic are dedicated to providing superior chiro care for their patients in Greensboro NC and surrounding areas. We offer a range of services, including manual adjustments, computer-directed adjustments, decompression, trigger point therapy, ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation, intersegmental traction, bracing, biofreeze, exercises, nutritional support and orthotic devices. We treat a range of conditions, such as lower back pain, neck pain, headache, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, auto injuries, work injuries and foot pain. Call Grosman Family Chiropractic Clinic today at for an appointment to discuss how chiropractic treatment for whiplash auto injuries can relieve pain and improve function.

Grosman Chiropractic Clinic PLLC

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