Disc Disorders

Slipped Discs and Bulging Discs

A number of different problems can affect the discs of the spine. These discs are donut-shaped structures that fit between the individual bones of the spine. They have a gel-like consistency, and their function is to cushion the individual vertebra, so that maximum flexibility and movement can occur. However, these discs are subject to injury and, over time, can become degenerated. A number of terms are used to describe some disc disorders, sometimes interchangeably, such as “herniated disc,” “slipped disc,” or “bulging disc.” A herniated disc is one that becomes displaced, putting pressure on nerves in the spinal column. This problem can be the cause of sciatica, a condition in which a nerve in the lower spinal canal becomes pinched, causing pain that radiates down the back of the legs.

disc discorder treatment from your chiropractor in greensboro

Degenerative Disc Disease

Another type of problem involves disc degeneration. This condition is one of the most common causes of lower back pain and neck pain. It generally occurs with aging, as the discs lose their flexibility with the constant movement of the back and spine. In most people, this natural degeneration does not cause a problem. However, in some people, the wearing away of the disc can cause stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal, and pinching of the nerves that lie within it. Other individuals may experience osteoarthritis in the spine, a progressive condition that causes inflammation in the bones of the spine and surrounding tissues. In either case, chronic pain may result, which can affect the ability to engage in normal activities and which affects the quality of life.

Symptoms of Disc Disorders

Disc disorder may cause chronic or intermittent pain, pain on bending, inability to sit or stand for long periods and the need to change position frequently. The pain may radiate into the arms or legs and may be accompanied by numbness or tingling. The individual may also experience weakness in the arms or the legs. These symptoms can be treated without drugs or the need for surgery at a Greensboro chiropractic clinic.

Chiropractic Treatment of Disc Disorders

Your chiropractor in Greensboro can provide a number of treatments for disc problems. Manual adjustment, flexion-distraction techniques, pelvic blocking, traction and McKenzie method exercises can be helpful in treating these issues. In addition, other chiro techniques such as massage, acupuncture and ergonomic changes can help to reduce discomfort and provide better function.

Let Grosman Family Chiropractic Clinic Be Your Greensboro Chiropractor

Dr. Grosman and the caring staff at Grosman Family Chiropractic Clinic take pride in offering superior care to their patients in Greensboro NC and surrounding communities. We offer a variety of chiropractic techniques, such as manual adjustment, computerized adjustment, trigger point therapy, electric muscle stimulation, intersegmental traction, cervical traction, ultrasound, bracing, TENS therapy, exercises, nutritional support, lifestyle recommendations and orthotic devices. We can treat a wide range of spine-related problems, including lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, whiplash auto injuries, work injuries, arthritis, sciatica and foot problems. Contact Grosman Family Chiropractic Clinic today at 336-292-9779 for an appointment to learn about chiropractic techniques that can help relieve pain and functional problems from disc disorders.

Grosman Chiropractic Clinic PLLC

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