Summer Fun and Visiting a Chiropractor

Fun in the Sun Shouldn't Land You in Treatment

With the summer fun season off to a roaring start in many areas that are reopening after months of restrictions, people want to get out and play. Hiking, beach-going, even a heck of a lot of gardening are all on people's plates. Take care if you plan to do anything more physical than you're used to. Overdoing it could land you in treatment for sprains, pains, and more. Grosman Chiropractic Clinic PLLC in Greensboro, NC, has some tips to help keep you moving safely.

How Active Have You Been in the Past Year?

Think about how active you've been over the past year. If you've been hiking or taking part in other sports and are just continuing to do that, great. But if you have not been doing anything, you could be more out of shape than you realize. If you've decided to try a new activity, you might not be as ready as you think for the level of activity you're planning. In either case, you could quickly overdo it and hurt your neck, back, arms, or another body part.

Starting Slowly

Start whatever you plan to do slowly. Thinking you've been cooped up for a year, and it'll be nice to do those 10-mile hikes you did before lockdown? Start with a shorter distance and see how you do first. Try an easy hike of a couple of miles and work your way up. Looking forward to meeting up with your neighborhood basketball team? Be conscious about how much twisting and turning you're doing until you get a better sense of how your body is taking it.

Listen to Your Body

Stop what you're doing if you feel pain. This isn't the time to push through. Your body is signaling that something's off if it hurts. If you feel fine one day and are in pain the next, see a chiropractor about adjustments to help your body recover. Grosman Chiropractic Clinic PLLC in Greensboro, NC, has appointments available. Call us today at (336) 292-9779.

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