Top 5 Common Symptoms of Sciatica

The Cleveland Clinic estimates that up to 40% of all adults will suffer sciatic nerve pain at some point. There are many causes of sciatica, but primarily the pain is caused by nerve damage. Dr. Grosman at Grosman Chiropractic Clinic in Greensboro provides quality chiropractic care for a variety of health conditions, including sciatica. Let’s take a look at some of the common symptoms of sciatica.


The pain is often referred to as burning or stabbing, like an electric shock. It can come on suddenly or gradually. The pain starts in the lower back and goes down one or both legs. Sometimes, the pain goes to the bottom of the foot. These pains are similar to other conditions like arthritis or diabetic neuropathy. If the pain does not go away in seven days, or the pain becomes worse, it is time to contact our chiropractor.

Numbness or Tingling

Since the nerves are affected by sciatica, they can often send strange signals to the brain. This can result not only in pain but in areas of numbness or tingling as if your leg or foot has gone to sleep. Numbness or tingling may occur anywhere in the lower back, leg, foot, or a combination of the three. If you have dealt with a foot or leg that has fallen asleep then you know, numbness or tingling often makes it difficult to walk.


With the combination of pain, numbness, and tingling, it can feel as if your leg or foot cannot bear your weight as you try to move.

Pain Goes Down One Leg

It is rare for sciatica pain to affect both legs. It usually affects one leg or the other. If you have a diagnosis for something else due to sciatica-like pain going down both legs, it could actually be sciatica.


Because of the pain, weakness, and numbness in your leg or foot, many people with sciatica develop a limp called an antalgic gait. The limp helps you keep walking, but does so while taking the most weight off of the affected leg as possible. This shifts most of the body’s weight onto the unaffected leg.

Get Treatment for Sciatica in Greensboro, NC

If you live in or around Greensboro and are experiencing one or multiple symptoms that we have mentioned, they could be caused by sciatica. Chiropractic care is a natural and effective treatment for sciatica. Call our team at Grosman Chiropractic Clinic today at (336) 292-9779 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Grosman.

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