Your Environment and Your Health

Allergy season is in full swing now and we have talked about how important it is to eat quality food to limit the effects of the spring air.  Now, it is time to consider how our homes and offices could be affecting not only our allergies but our overall health.

 The most well-known culprit in our environments is mold.  One study found that a majority of patients admitted to ICU for asthma were more likely to be sensitive to mold and not grass, cat dander or house dust mites.  They also found that children living in damp environments were more likely to develop asthma (Baxi, 2016). 

Mold isn’t the only culprit affecting our everyday lives though. 

As the low testosterone trend continues to rise research has linked some environmental toxins as a possible cause.  One study found that exposure to pesticides lowers sperm levels below the limit for male fertility. They also noted that today pesticide exposure doesn’t just come from spraying the chemicals but from the second hand exposure that comes from the food and water we consume that has been contaminated by the increase of pesticide usage in the last 50 years (Sengupta, 2014). 

Male hormones aren’t the only ones that are affected by the environment.  BPA is a known “endocrine disruptor” (affects hormones) and is found in plastic food containers, plastic water bottles and is found in the lining of metal cans containing food.  BPA has also been found to in animal studies to affect social behavior after being exposed in the mother’s womb (Rosenfeld, 2015). 

Food and environment are our keys to healthy lives.  If you suspect you are being exposed to mold or other toxins we can help.  We have lab test that allow us to see if your immune system has been exposed to different strains of mold.  There are also affordable kits to test for mold in your home as well that can be purchased at a local hardware store. 

As for protecting yourself from chemicals that affect your hormones we recommend the website for information about what chemicals are on your food and in your households that you may not be aware of. 

If you have questions we are always here to help you be your healthiest.  

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