• Happy New Year 2022!
    Whew! There goes the holiday season and here comes a new year!We are in the season for New Year's Resolutions but what if we reframe that into New Year Goal Read more
    Support brain health with the right nutrients. Read more
  • To Mask or not to Mask...
    As most of you are aware masks are required in public places for the foreseeable future.   We ask that you please wear your mask when you come to the Read more
  • Keeping In Touch
    I hope you and your loved ones are doing well during this most unusual time.  First of all thank you to all of you who have trusted us with your Read more
  • Are We Essential?
    Dear Patients, It’s amazing how our world has seemingly changed in just a few weeks. Our greatest concern is the health of our families and patients. Sara and I have discussed several Read more
  • What do Corona Virus, Allergies, and Anxiety have in common?
    All are prevalent at this time and all may benefit from proper nutrition.  Don’t get me wrong.  I am not claiming any one of these are completely preventable by nutritional Read more
  • A Message From Your Provider Re: Corona Virus
    Just like you, we have families we care about and want to keep safe. When something like the corona virus hits the news, it can make us worry about everyday Read more
    The most common form of diabetes is Diabetes Type II which is reversible in most cases especially if caught early.  We start seeing signs of Insulin Resistance long before we start Read more
  • A note from Dr Jeurink
    I want to send out a HUGE Thank you to everyone for all the cards, phone calls, prayers and general well wishes!  I feel the love. Just wanted to share a Read more
  • Urgent update regarding Dr Tobi Jeurink
    We regret to report that Dr Tobi was unable to be in the office Monday for scheduled appointments due to a personal emergency. We’d like to shed some light on that Read more
  • Your Environment and Your Health
    Allergy season is in full swing now and we have talked about how important it is to eat quality food to limit the effects of the spring air.  Now, it Read more
  • It’s time to HIIT it!
    You have heard that exercise is good and I know in previous posts I have mentioned why it is good.  *cough*, helps with depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and more!  Did Read more
  • Does Allergy Season Have to be a Booger?
    We are quickly approaching the end of the sugar/flu season which means allergy season is knocking on our door.  Now is a great time to start thinking about what you Read more
  • Stressing about being stressed?
    Have you ever noticed that admitting you are stressed about work, life, money etc. seems to just increase your stress?  It can seem like it is an endless cycle and Read more
  • Low T Nation
    If you have had your radio or TV on or if you have picked up any fitness/health magazines lately you have probably seen an advertisement for low testosterone clinics.  According Read more
  • Do you remember 2017? Will you remember 2018?
    If you haven’t set your goals for the new year now is the time to put your health at the top and if you have already written them down great Read more

Contact Us Today

We look forward to hearing from you


Friday, August 16th thru Monday, September 2nd.

Regular Office Hours:


8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm




8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:30 am-3:00 pm



