Keeping In Touch

I hope you and your loved ones are doing well during this most unusual time.  First of all thank you to all of you who have trusted us with your care. We are doing our best to keep your visit as safe as possible and will continue to do so.  Many patients have asked my opinion on everything that is currently going on and my typical reply is I am trying to just learn as much as possible as things are changing and trying to keep the politics out of it.   I still intend to do that, so continue reading.  ; ) 

Heck, I admit I was wrong about the severity of this thing in early March.  I mean the idea of canceling NCAA tournaments let alone baseball seemed like a funny joke in a sports driven society like ours at that time, but alas here we are and it is real, even though it may seem like a never ending nightmare.

Many people, maybe you or someone you know, are struggling with a sense of loss or depression even though you have not been or know anyone who has been sick. For most it is a sense of loss of control.  Everything in your world has turned upside down and not by anything you have done or even not done. You may have some brain fog or feel like you have all this free time on your hand, but yet can’t seem to get those closets cleaned or start on the project you said you would do when you finally got some down time.   First of all, cut yourself a break because you aren’t the only one feeling this way.  Secondly, take back some control. Unfortunately, many in the media of focused on the numbers so all you hear constantly is how many have tested positive (understand, not all who test positive are actually sick) and how many have died. What seems to be lacking in the news, and where you may feel a loss of control, is that your body has an amazing ability to recognize viruses and stop them in their tracks.  Otherwise we would all have an ongoing cold, never get be able to get rid of cold sore or be suffering from Mono forever.  So, what can we do to protect our immune and mental health during this time?  Interestingly enough, both the immune system and the brain rely on proper gut health to function.   As much as we want to binge eat or rely on comfort food at this time our body really needs a healthy diet.  Now, what is considered a healthy diet is debatable, and honestly not the same for everyone. We can help you determine what type of dietary approach is best for your body along with supplemental support to optimize your health, including reducing comorbidities that make us more susceptible to any virus.

We have posted several research based articles on our Facebook page about the proper nutrients your immune system needs, including, but not limited to probiotics, vitamin D3, Vitamin C, zinc, N-Acetyl Cysteine. There is also research that supports exercise and yes even Chiropractic care to boost your immune system and brain health.  We also offer Neurofeedback for those that may be especially concerned about their mental health at this time.  We are offering a complimentary consultation to see if you are a candidate for neurofeedback.  You can call Sara and she can explain the details.   If you would like more information about how these things can help follow our Facebook page and website as we continue to post current research or give us a call to schedule an appointment so we can help you build your best immune system defense.   You CAN reduce your risk and we can help.

Stay Safe, Stay Well.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Tobi and Sara

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Friday, August 16th thru Monday, September 2nd.

Regular Office Hours:


8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm




8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:30 am-3:00 pm



