Happy New Year 2022!

Whew! There goes the holiday season and here comes a new year!

We are in the season for New Year's Resolutions but what if we reframe that into New Year Goal Setting?
Research shows that resolutions are better kept when made as goals- approachable and attainable goals.
We suspect that the top resolutions center around health- losing weight, exercising more and improving quality of life and longevity. These can be vague when set... "I want to lose weight"... how much? By what date? How will you do this? What are you willing to add or subtract from your lifestyle? 
Maybe you just need to recover from a busy holiday season full of fun and... food!(And maybe a little stress?) Maybe your only desire for 2022 is that the holiday season to not be something you need to "recover" from. How do you do that, what does that look like?

We are all well aware that by February or March the good intentions have faded away with that Super Bowl.
Does it have to be that way? No! We suspect that many good intentions are lost on lack of preparation.
We are here to help with that and we want to provide support in sustaining those goals all year long and far beyond.
There are no quick fixes but a short-term, personalized jump start is entirely possible.  

Again- research shows that goals are more likely to be accomplished, that research also shows that making your goals approachable and attainable, writing them down and inviting support is more likely to help you achieve real and lasting results.
Let us help you start 2022 on the right path with a gentle detox, written goals and a plan for better health and a higher quality lifestyle. This is a win-win because it will also help to reduce your risk with viruses and disease.
Schedule a consultation with Dr Tobi and pre-order your detox kit and/or discuss what you desire for 2022 with your health.... start the new year by taking a moment for your self care and call the office to set those good intentions in motion before they get away.

You can do this and you absolutely deserve to!
And to make it a little easier... receive a discount on supplements when you mention our 20 YEARS FOR US MEANS 20% OFF FOR YOU promo code!

Happy New Year from Dr Tobi and Sara- may 2022 be all that you dream it can be!

Contact Us Today

We look forward to hearing from you


Friday, August 16th thru Monday, September 2nd.

Regular Office Hours:


8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm




8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:30 am-3:00 pm



