Lower Back Pain

What Can Cause Lower Back Pain?

Starwood Chiropractic in Frisco, TX treats patients for back pain regularly. Lower back pain can come on quickly or gradually depending on the injury or condition. For some, an immediate and acute injury is to blame for lower back pain. This can be caused by a fall, accident, or sports injury. Lower back pain injuries can include a sprain or strain, or a possible fracture.

Man holding his lower back

Lower back pain can also be caused by a disease or chronic condition, which may have a more gradual onset of pain. Common conditions include arthritis, spinal stenosis, osteoporosis, and scoliosis. Degenerative conditions, such as a ruptured or herniated disc, can cause lower back pain if the disc ruptured is located in the lower spine.

The Warning Signs of Lower Back Pain

A key indicator that lower back pain is more than just a sore back is the degree and duration of the pain. If the pain is immediate, sharp and stabbing, this could be an indicator of a larger issue. Furthermore, if the pain continues for longer than a week, it may be time to see a doctor. Lingering back pain can be more than just sleeping wrong and having a sore back.

If your lower back pain is accompanied by numbness and tingling it could be a sign of a more serious injury. Numbness and tingling may be felt in the extremities, such as the shoulders, arms, hands, buttocks, legs, or feet. Tingling sensations might not always be felt at the immediate site of the injury. Lastly, if you find that you are tripping more often, or you are clumsier than usual, this could be a sign of a more serious condition in the back.

How Can a Chiropractor Help?

A chiropractor works to help restore balance to the body by putting the muscles and bones in harmony with one another. A chiropractor will often use manual manipulation to help relieve stress and pressure from injured body parts, allowing those areas of the body to heal. A chiropractor may also prescribe a regimen of physical therapy to help strengthen the muscles surrounding an injury. Medical massage, heat therapy, and electrical stimulation can all be used to help treat lower back pain and heal injuries. Treatment plans will vary from person to person depending on the exact nature of the injury.

Chiropractic Care for Lower Back Pain in Frisco

At Starwood Chiropractic in Frisco, we understand just how debilitating lower back pain can be. Our team, led by Dr. Maltezos, Dr. Wise, and Dr. Heptig, is skilled and dedicated to helping you find pain relief fast. To learn more about how we can help or to schedule an appointment, call us today at (972) 377-3909.


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