Lower Back Pain FAQs in Frisco, TX

Our Frisco Chiropractor Team Discusses Lower Back Pain FAQs

At Starwood Chiropractic in Frisco, TX, our chiropractor team gets a lot of questions about lower back pain. Why does my back hurt? What can I do to prevent and heal my back pain? Keep reading to hear our answers to these and other common questions. 

A woman holding her lower back

What Causes Back Pain?

The lower back is a common area to experience pain and other symptoms, and is often caused by conditions that occur frequently among men and women of all ages. These conditions include:

  • Damage to spinal discs (small, gel-filled structures that sit between vertebral bones), including degenerative disc disease, herniated disc, and bulging disc
  • Spondylosis, a type of arthritis in the spine
  • Spinal stenosis, progressive narrowing of bony spaces and joints in the spine
  • Muscle strains
  • Spinal ligament sprains
  • Sciatica or lumbar radiculopathy, also known as compression of nerves in the lower back area
  • Scoliosis (an abnormal side-to-side curve of the spine)

Many people have lower back pain even without a specific underlying diagnosis, which is called "idiopathic" lower back pain. Fortunately, people with idiopathic back pain can still find relief from interventions offered by our Frisco chiropractors!

What Are the Risk Factors for Lower Back Pain?

Common risk factors for lower back pain include frequent bending, twisting, or heavy lifting with the spine, advancing age, acute trauma, a sedentary lifestyle, high stress, an occupation that requires a lot of physical labor, and a family history of back problems.

Having underlying health conditions like obesity, fibromyalgia, or depression may increase your likelihood of experiencing back pain. If you've had lower back pain before, you may be more likely to experience it again.

Can a Chiropractor Treat Lower Back Pain?

A chiropractor can treat lower back pain by using a variety of non-invasive interventions that can be customized to meet the specific needs and goals of the individual patient. These interventions may include chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression or traction, massage therapy, and corrective exercises and stretches.

Can I Prevent Lower Back Pain?

You can reduce your risk of lower back pain by practicing a variety of lifestyle modifications and dietary habits, which your chiropractor can review with you. Here are some helpful strategies for preventing lower back pain:

  • Use proper body mechanics when lifting heavy items (e.g., keep the item close to you, get help if necessary)
  • Stay physically active and avoid sitting too much
  • Eat mostly whole foods that are nutrient-rich and help fight inflammation in the body
  • Maintain a healthy weight

Looking for Answers to Back Pain?

Call (972) 377-3909 to schedule an appointment with a Frisco chiropractor at Starwood Chiropractic. 


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