Dr. Torgrimson
1320 Kenwood Ave Duluth, MN



Achieving Your New Year's Health Resolutions With Chiropractic Care

Whether your goal for the new year is to shed some weight, or to set better overall eating and nutritional habits, the help of a chiropractor’s consulting and treatment might help you get there. Nutrition is a necessary component of chiropractic care, and many chiropractors will incorporate nutritional counseling in some way within their practice. This is because nutrition is a significant factor when it comes to your overall health. No matter what other medical treatment or care you might be receiving, the nutrition that you put into your body has a major impact on your long term success. This is especially true for those who are receiving chiropractic care. 

Much of chiropractic care revolves around the nervous system and spinal health. If you are causing disruptions in the nervous system and are not nourishing it properly, you could be undoing all of this hard work. The proper nutrition allows both the nervous system and the skeletal system to work together toward healing. One of the most common things chiropractors treat is inflammation within the body. This can be caused by things like sports injuries, car accidents, or simply just twisting a body part the wrong way. Inflammation could also be caused by major diseases such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes. The possible causes for inflammation within the body are nearly endless. While you could take over-the-counter medications to help, a more natural approach involves altering your diet. Incorporating some of the following foods into your diet could help you to avoid inflammation:

  • Tomatoes

  • Olive oil

  • Leafy green vegetables

  • Nuts

  • Fish

  • Fruits

Not only do these foods reduce the risk of inflammation, they also offer many protective factors. They frequently contain antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals in the body and protect cell health. Free radicals form when food is digested and the body is unable to process it. The end result is known as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has proven links to major diseases like:

  • Heart disease

  • Cancer

  • Arthritis

  • Stroke

  • Respiratory diseases

  • Parkinson’s Disease

If you feel like you could use some guidance related to your nutrition and weight, your Duluth chiropractor can offer nutritional counseling in Duluth that includes nutritional testing, weight loss tips and diet help that can ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need – while also losing excess weight. Dr. Torgrimson has over 30 years of chiropractic experience and can help lead you towards a healthy more fulfilling life. You can schedule an appointment with Associated Chiropractic Physicians today by calling (218) 728-3686, we look forward to assisting you!