Dr. Torgrimson
1320 Kenwood Ave Duluth, MN



Neck Pain

Neck Pain

If you suffer from neck pain in Duluth, don’t feel like you have to just “deal with it.” Getting relief from this pain is possible—if you understand more about the pain and you have a good Duluth Chiropractor on your side.

man having neck pain

Different Types of Neck Pain

Every person who has neck pain experiences it a bit differently. One common type of neck pain is whiplash, which is usually caused by an auto accident or “near miss” of an accident. Other types include degeneration, arthritis, cervical radiculopathy and non-specific injuries and pain. By talking with your chiropractor, we can help diagnose your exact type of pain and find a solution to get you feeling your best as soon as possible.

Common Causes of Neck Pain

It is important that you realize neck pain can be caused by any number of issues. In rare cases, it can be the sign of a more significant underlying condition. However, more common causes include car accident, workplace or sports injury or strain due to "text neck," poor posture or overwork. With all of the different causes, it is vital that you talk to your doctor or chiropractor about your pain so that the exact cause can be pinpointed and a personalized care plan can be developed.

How Your Chiropractor in Duluth Can Treat Neck Pain

A chiropractor can help you with neck pain in Duluth, whiplash treatment and with auto accident injuries—among other services. A few of the treatments we offer that may help you with neck pain include:

  • Posture Education
  • Trigger Therapy
  • Spinal Decompression
  • Whiplash Relief
  • Massage
  • Other Personalized Services

Don’t suffer from neck pain any longer than you need to, especially when a chiropractor in Duluth is just a phone call away. Reach out to us at Associated Chiropractic Physicians in Duluth, Minnesota. We are available by phone at 218-728-3786. We look forward to working with you!