Dr. Torgrimson
1320 Kenwood Ave Duluth, MN



Is Stress Causing Your Weight Gain?

How Stress May Be Causing Your Weight Gain

Healthy produce in Duluth

Everybody deals with some level of stress, whether at home, on the job, or at school. Stress attacks the body in different ways, and sometimes the symptoms are hard to miss. For most people, stress is unavoidable, due to the various demands of everyday life. Learn how chiropractic care in Duluth can help you manage stress in a healthy way.

Stress Eating Can Cause Weight Loss and Weight Gain

Stress is another word for built-up or pinned-up pressure. Overeating is one of the ways the body deals with stress, just as food is said to be a consolation for people dealing with depression. The body tells the brain that we need to eat to feel better. However, most are not aware of the negative effects stress has on the body. Many people go through period of having a bad appetite and experience weight loss. Over time, long-term stress can then boost hunger, causing people to eat more.

And the more we eat the more weight we gain. At this point, we are actually feeding the stress. During this experience, the body goes into the fight or flight response mode.

Stress Relief through Nutritional Counseling and Stress Management

At Duluth Chiropractor, we provide nutritional counseling and stress management. The body hormonal changes during a period of stress and reacts in stressful times by producing high levels of cortisol and increased adrenaline. This burst of energy, referred to as the fight or flight mode, makes us crave foods that are high in fat and calories. Unhealthy foods slow down our metabolism and cause people to experience insomnia.

When the metabolism slows down is when people begin to put on extra pounds, because the body is not burning fat but storing it. At Associated Chiropractic Physicians, and as a chiropractor in Duluth, we use several techniques to help reduce and keep off stress-induced weight. We offer massage therapy, nutritional advice, spinal adjustments, and therapeutic stretches and exercises.

Contact Us Today

To get your body to feeling and looking good again, give us a call at (218) 728-3686.