Dr. Torgrimson
1320 Kenwood Ave Duluth, MN



When Headaches Are the Result of a Personal Injury

When Headaches Are the Result of a Personal Injury

Headaches and chronic migraines can be debilitating and greatly reduce the quality of life. Some of the top headache causes include auto accident injury, slip and fall, sports injury, work injury and other types of personal injury. Recent head or neck injuries are among the most common causes of chronic headaches. Fortunately, there is migraine and headache relief from your chiropractor in Duluth. While a concussion or blow to the head can cause a headache immediately, in some cases, the pain won’t occur until days or weeks later. This is why it’s so important to visit a chiropractor as soon as possible after an auto accident or other traumatic impacts to the body.

man with headache

Headaches and Chronic Migraines Can Be Caused By Upper Spine or Neck Injuries

Upper spine and neck injuries can also lead to headaches or migraines following the impact. This is because the nerves of the spine in this area are interconnected with the brain, skull, spinal column and central nervous system.    If a nerve becomes pinched in the upper spine and neck (upper cervical) area, the pain and symptoms can radiate to the head as well as the shoulders and extremities. The greater occipital area (base of the skull) can also be a source for headaches and migraines later on. These indirect causes of headache and migraine pain may not register until sometime later after the accident or injury.

Whiplash Headache Following An Auto Accident

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries your Duluth chiropractor sees following a motor vehicle accident. It is caused when the head is forced abruptly forward and then backward, straining the soft tissue of the spine and neck. This violent action can cause neck pain, headaches and migraines as well as dizziness, stiffness and persistent fatigue. The neck and back pain tends to be primary at first, with headaches emerging days and up to a week later.

Headache Due to a Pinched Nerve

This type of headache comes directly from a pinched nerve. An auto accident can cause spinal compression and/or disc herniation. This, in turn, can cause a pinching of the nerve roots of the spine and in particular the occipital nerve at the base of the skull. This disruption can radiate upward and cause headaches and migraines as well. 

Again, it is crucial to see a chiropractor as soon as possible after an accident or injury. Your Duluth chiropractor Associated Chiropractic Physicians can assist you in determining the exact cause of headaches and chronic migraines. Your chiropractor in Duluth can then focus treatments on headache relief as well as healing the underlying cause. Call us today!