Dr. Torgrimson
1320 Kenwood Ave Duluth, MN



Chiropractor Treatment After A Car Accident

Chiropractor Treatment After A Car Accident

A car accident puts your body through significant stress, and that can lead to a number of different types of injuries to your back and other areas. While some of these will be immediately obvious, others may not. In fact, symptoms of whiplash and similar soft tissue injuries often don’t appear until hours or days after the accident occurred. That’s why it’s so important to seek prompt auto injury treatment from your Duluth chiropractor as soon as possible when you’ve been involved in a collision.

two car collision accident

Whiplash and Other Common Auto Accident Injuries

The most common type of auto accident injury your chiropractor in Duluth treats is whiplash. That’s because the impact of the collision causes your head to snap back and forth, putting significant stress on the joints, muscles, and other soft tissues in your neck and upper back. Some symptoms of whiplash include:

  • Pain or tingling in the neck and shoulders
  • Pain or numbness radiating down the arms
  • Upper back pain
  • Stiffness or limited range of motion in the neck
  • Headaches
  • Blurred or disturbed vision

Just because you don’t experience these symptoms immediately following an auto accident doesn’t mean underlying damage hasn’t been done, and so the sooner you seek treatment from your chiropractor in Duluth, the sooner you can get started on the road to recovery.

Some other types of issues related to auto accidents that your chiropractor can treat include herniated discs, knee pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain, and more.

Prompt Auto Injury Treatment from Your Duluth Chiropractor

On your first visit with your Duluth chiropractor after an auto accident, your doctor will complete a thorough physical exam to locate any areas of concern. Restoring full function to your body after the type of trauma a car accident inflicts requires addressing all impacted areas.

Your initial in-office visits will involve treatments designed to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. After that, your chiropractor may use various spinal manipulation techniques, massage, and other therapies to restore proper alignment and promote healing of the soft tissues. This may also be combined with exercises and stretches you can do at home to build on the progress you’ve made.

So, if you’ve recently been involved in an auto accident, call our offices today at (218) 728-3686 to schedule an appointment.