Dr. Torgrimson
1320 Kenwood Ave Duluth, MN



Ergonomics to Reduce Your Lower Back Pain

Ergonomics to Reduce Your Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is an extremely common health concern. Our Duluth chiropractor, Dr. Robert Torgrimson, understands just how frustrating this nuanced condition can be, so he's proud to offer a comprehensive array of services to help you better manage and even resolve your pain and associated symptoms. 

patient getting lower back pain treatment

The Many Causes of Back Pain 

The causes of lower back pain are quite numerous. Many people have pain and stiffness due to degenerative disc disease, muscle spasms and strains, ligament sprains, disc bulges and herniation’s, spinal stenosis (spinal canal narrowing), or pinched nerves (often called sciatica when it occurs in the low back). Even psychological stress, cigarette smoking, and obesity have been linked with back pain!

Not all causes of back pain can completely be avoided or prevented, especially those that may have a genetic component. But there are plenty of things you can do to help manage your symptoms.

Back Safety Ergonomic Tips from Our Duluth Chiropractor

If you have persistent back pain, or if you’re lower back pain is significantly disrupting your daily life, then we strongly encourage you to schedule an appointment with our Duluth chiropractor. In addition to non-invasive services such as chiropractic adjustments and massage, he can also provide valuable patient education about ways to improve your back safety at work and even in your day-to-day life. 

Here are a few of his top recommendations for improving your ergonomics (movement safety and efficiency) and thus protecting your spinal health:

  • When lifting something, hold the object close to your body, and avoid bending and twisting your spine. 
  • Move! Avoid sitting in a chair for hours at a time. About once per hour, get up for a quick walk (maybe to the water cooler; staying hydrated supports good back health). 
  • Set up your desk so that your computer monitor is in front of you about an arm's distance away, at or slightly below eye level. 
  • Consider using an ergonomically-designed chair or lower back roll to support your spine while seated. 

Are you tired of dealing with lower back pain, but don't want to just cover it up with pain medication? Our chiropractor in Duluth can help. Call (218) 728-3686 to take advantage of our exclusive offer: a FREE consultation for new clients!