Dr. Torgrimson
1320 Kenwood Ave Duluth, MN



A Nutritional Consultation with Our Chiropractor in Duluth Can Help You Boost Your Weight Loss Regimen

A Nutritional Consultation with Our Chiropractor in Duluth Can Help You Boost Your Weight Loss Regimen 

You may wonder just how your chiropractor in Duluth can help in your weight loss efforts. Dr. Torgrimson has been helping Duluth patients for over 35 years through his chiropractic expertise, as well as his focus on holistic treatments. Believing that everything is connected, it makes sense that our chiropractor has implemented nutritional consultation as a core treatment to help in any quality weight loss regimen.  

woman and weight loss counseling

Weight Loss Friendly Foods Are Essential to Weight Loss Assistance

Dr. Torgrimson, along with the rest of our caring chiropractic support team, cares about your weight loss efforts, and we are here to do anything we can to provide weight loss assistance. In addition to a moderate exercise regimen and some spinal adjustments to help minimize any pain you might feel from new movements or general misalignment, we recommend that you schedule some nutritional counseling sessions to help give you one of the best tools of all, which is a healthy approach to eating. 

We have come up with a list of weight loss friendly foods that can help you get started: 

  • Leafy Green Vegetables. Loaded with fiber and micronutrients, leafy green vegetables are also low in calories, fat and carbohydrates. Foods like spinach, kale and swiss chard help you fill up quickly without adding much to your daily caloric intake. 
  • Cottage Cheese and Greek Yogurt. These dairy products, in particular, tend to be high in protein and are low in fat and carbohydrates. 
  • Avocados. Chock full of potassium, fiber and healthy fat, avocados are truly the magical fruit. 

Some of our other favorite weight loss friendly foods include salmon, tuna, chicken, beans and legumes, soups, nuts, apple cider vinegar, grapefruit, chia seeds and coconut oil. 

Enlist the Support of Our Duluth Chiropractor for Your Weight Loss Efforts 

Are you ready start your weight loss adventure? How can our Duluth chiropractor help you get started?