Dr. Torgrimson
1320 Kenwood Ave Duluth, MN



Learn About Common Auto Injuries From Your Duluth Chiropractor

Learn About Common Auto Injuries From Your Duluth Chiropractor

Your involvement in an automobile accident will likely set a variety of events in motion. It may include involvement of an insurance company, a visit to an auto body shop, a call to your attorney, and even medical assistance. If you have been involved in a car accident, it can be very important to see our auto accident injury chiropractor in Duluth, Dr. Robert Torgrimson, at Associated Chiropractic Physicians.

woman and car accident

Common Injuries in an Auto Accident

One of the most common auto accident injuries is whiplash. Whiplash is a straining of the neck that occurs when the head moves suddenly back and forth or side to side in a car accident. Symptoms can range from minor stiffness to complete immobility of the neck. Whiplash treatment in Duluth from Associated Chiropractic Physicians can help relieve the symptoms of this common malady and put you on the path to full recovery and wellness. Other common ailments associated with car accidents include back and shoulder pain, slipped disc, and numbness or tingling in the extremities.

The Importance of Seeing Our Duluth Chiropractor Promptly

Even if you only experience mild stiffness or soreness, seeing our Duluth chiropractor promptly can be very important. We can document your injuries as being accident-related. This is critical for insurance and legal purposes. We can prevent injuries from worsening and becoming chronic. We can also provide relief from discomfort. Be aware that even minor aches can be a signal that more serious injuries have taken place. Waiting until the pain becomes more severe can be a big mistake.

How Our Auto Accident Injury Chiropractor in Duluth Helps

We'll conduct an initial consultation and examination to determine the cause of any injuries sustained. We will then prescribe an all-natural plan of chiropractic care to help realign your neuromuscular system. As your body gets realigned, it can help heal itself and restore wellness.

Please don't wait. If you've been involved in an auto accident call Associated Chiropractic Physicians at 218 728-3686. Our offices are located at 1320 Kenwood Avenue in Duluth, MN.