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Charlotte Racefest 2010

 Charlotte Racefest 2010!!

Congratulations to all of our friends and patients that ran Racefest this past weekend.  The turn out was great, and the weather perfect.  It was so nice to see so many old friends, and to talk with all of the new ones we have made over the past several years.  Dr. Greenapple and Dr. Clay were kept busy working on so many athletes with

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Active Release Technique, muscle testing and kinesiotaping.  Sorry if we did not get to everyone, the demand was overwhelming.  I think we had at least one, if not more, patients finish in the top 3 of just about every age group category.

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Jordan Kinley and Trent Kirk, 2 of our patients and friends, finished 2nd and 3rd overall! If you did not place, do not worry, be proud as you are still doing more then 90% of the average American!  It was great to see so many "old" patients and friends still winning their age groups and Master's.  We appreciate the positive feedback from everyone and are glad to be part of your "Sports Medicine" and "Sports Performance" Team. As always, see you at the next race!

Dr. Scott Greenapple