Back Pain

Try Holistic Back Pain Treatment with Our Chiropractors in Broomfield, CO

Research indicates that about 7 out of 10 people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. In other words, chances are you and people you know will deal with or are already dealing with the discomfort and dysfunction associated with this broad condition. At the Summit Medical Care Center, our chiropractors in Broomfield, CO uses years of experience and advanced training to help people not only find relief from their symptoms, but prevent their issues from recurring. 

Back Pain Treatment

What's Causing All This Back Pain?

Modern life imposes may stresses and strains on the back. In general, many of us sit too frequently, use poor body mechanics, and have jobs that require frequent lifting, bending, or twisting. Sometimes we are exposed to elements, such as smoking, stress, obesity, and poor nutrition that can lead to chronic inflammation in the body. All of these and other risk factors, including genetics and injury history, contribute to the high prevalence of back pain. 

Types of Back Pain

Back pain doesn't always have a specific diagnosis, but when it does, the culprit is often mechanical stress or damage to specific connective tissues in the spine. This may include:

  • Osteoarthritis (joint inflammation and degradation)
  • Degenerative disc disease, disc herniation, or disc bulge (wearing down, rupture, or abnormal protrusion of the intervertebral disc)
  • Muscle spasms and strains
  • Ligament sprains
  • Joint dislocations/subluxations
  • Nerve compression (such as sciatica or radiculopathy)

How Our Broomfield Chiropractors Manages Back Pain

At our chiropractic care clinic, we don't believe in "treating" conditions simply by providing temporary relief from symptoms. Our integrated medicine and chiropractic care services, provided by our Broomfield chiropractors, are intended to relieve pain and discomfort while also improving function and addressing and resolving the underlying causes of your condition. 

We do this through a variety of techniques and services which can be fully customized to you and your goals, needs, and concerns. Our treatment plans may include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments: We reset and realign the spine, improve nervous system function, and activation.
  • Non-surgical spinal decompression: Our chiropractic care optimize healing of discs and joints, relieve nerve impingement syndromes by stretching the spine.
  • Massage therapy: Massage therapy increases circulation, break up painful adhesions and scar tissues, and ease physical and mental stress.
  • Class IV cold laser therapy: This stimulate healing at the cellular level with non-thermal light beams.
  • Corrective exercises: Our chiropractors in Broomfield will teach patients how to move safely, improve posture, and maximize core strength, stability, and endurance)

Need Back Pain Relief Naturally? Try Our Integrated Medicine Approach at Summit Medical Care Center

Don't be held back by back pain any longer! To discover holistic healing for yourself, contact our chiropractic care clinic, Summit Medical Care Center, at 303-466-3232. We are proudly in Broomfield and we serve the surrounding areas as well.

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