Extremity Conditions

Extremity conditions can be quite painful. Our chiropractor offers many treatment options that can effectively help you manage your pain and help your body get back on track when it comes to healing and recovery. With chiropractic care, your entire body receives the benefit of treatment, not just the skeleton and connective tissues.


Common Extremity Conditions

There are many conditions that can affect your extremities: sprains, strains, dislocations, and repetitive motion injuries are all fairly common, especially in athletes. Our chiropractor has treatment options that will allow your body to not only begin the healing process, but maintain it until you reach full recovery. Joint injuries are also common and can be the result of sports, work-related accidents, and other events that affect the extremities.

Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine is one of the best treatment methods that our chiropractor provides. This type of medicine goes to the source of the problem and begins to treat the body on a cellular level. With regenerative medicine, our chiropractor is able to locate the cause of your pain and discomfort. He can then use lasers and other techniques that can be used to stimulate the growth of new tissues to replace damaged tissues that are dead or dying. 

Chiropractic Care and Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

When dealing with conditions that affect the extremities, soft tissue damage is also a concern. Deep tissue massage therapy offers several benefits that assist chiropractic care in speeding up the healing process. Massage therapy improves circulation, strengthens and tones soft tissues, and improves overall flexibility. By combining chiropractic care with other treatment options like regenerative medicine and deep tissue massage therapy, our chiropractor can treat your injuries on every level. 

Visit Summit Medical Care Center in Broomfield

When dealing with extremity conditions, pain management is important. If you are dealing with an extremity injury, visit us at Summit Medical Care Center. With our many treatment options, we are able to find the cause of your pain and discomfort and formulate a treatment plan that you can live with. Pain management is always a priority. When it comes to conditions or injuries that affect the extremities, immediate treatment is the key to a full and natural healing. Call and schedule your appointment as soon as you can so we can help you get your pain under control and improve your quality of life.

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