Post Surgical

Post-Surgical Treatment

Post-surgical treatment is our specialty. Following surgeries, other disorders can develop into a "musical chairs" scenario of disorders involving the affected area. We call this "Pain Roulette," as patients struggle to discover what the next most effective "magic bullet" will be to solve their pain issues.

What You Notice

Following surgery, you may find that there are other pains developing that were not there before; or that the pain you were seeking to get rid of has returned. Some patients also experience an increasing dependence on and eventually even an addiction to painkilling drugs as they try to cope with the disorder by making their body unaware of the real problem.

What It Feels Like

  • Numbness, loss of sensitivity
  • Tingling and an prickling or burning sensation
  • Sharp pains and cramps
  • Difficulty sitting or standing for long periods of time
  • Loss of balance or coordination
  • Bell's Palsy on one side of the face

What to Do

If you think you have a failed surgery response, call Summit Medical Care Center immediately. Our medical office can treat many kinds of recurring and re-developing pains, and can detect if you may need deep medical attention, while providing relief for immediate pain. We use Wave Therapy™ the Newlife Protocol™ treatment to relieve neuropathic pain.

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