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Can A Chiropractor Help Treat Sports Injuries?

At Summit Medical Care Center in Broomfield, we offer holistic therapies and treatments that can help treat chronic pain and underlying conditions. One of the most frequent questions we get asked about is how we can help treat sports injuries. Our chiropractor uses an integrate medicine approach when dealing with all of your concerns. Here is how our doctor can help.

Your Chiropractor in Broomfield Can Help Treat Sports Injuries

Playing a sport is no doubt fun, but it can also cause many injuries. Some common injuries we see at our clinic are pulled muscles, inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, strains or sprains, and joint stiffness.

With our holistic approach to integrated medicine, your chiropractor in Broomfield can help you:

  • Maintain a proper alignment of your spine to support flexibility, release tension, and relieve pinched nerve pain
  • Relieve swelling on the joints
  • Restore proper function
  • Reduce pain
  • Increase healing of damaged soft tissue, including muscles, ligaments, and tendons

Regular chiropractic care can help prevent sports injuries. Our chiropractor may suggest some stretching exercises for the sport you are playing and provide advice on how to properly warm-up before playing a sport.

Sports Injuries Treatment in Broomfield

If you're experiencing discomfort, swelling, or muscle spasms from sports injuries, come in for a session with our chiropractor and experience our integrated medicine approach for yourself. When you come in for your appointment, we'll ask you to fill out a health questionnaire. We'll review your contributing factors, discuss tips and strategies to prevent future pain and strains, and treat your current sports injuries. Our goal is to have you achieve a state of health and wellness where you're not in pain. Call Summit Medical Care Center in Broomfield at (303) 466-3232 to schedule your chiropractic care appointment.

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