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How Regenerative Medicine can help back pain

How Regenerative Medicine Can Help Back Pain

Many adults in the United States can be suffering from back pain at any given time. Regenerative medicine helps create functional living tissue to repair or replace the damaged tissue and addresses some of the shortcomings in the current treatment options that are available. For example, skin cell therapy can be used to grow new tissue that will behave like a spinal disc. Chiropractic care at Summit Medical Care Center in Broomfield can help with your back pain. If you are suffering from back pain, consider chiropractic care!

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

With this treatment, the doctor withdraws your own blood and then will use a centrifuge to process it. This will separate the content of the blood and the ingredients in the platelets will be used to heal the structure. This treatment includes growth properties that can trigger healing. While the pain relief isn’t immediate since it takes a few months to feel the effects, it can alleviate pain by reducing inflammation in the back.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy works like PRP, where the doctor extracts healing cells from your fat or bone marrow. The cells are concentrated using a special machine. These healing cells have been known to regenerate different types of tissue. Like PRP, they help improve the blood supply to the damaged area in order to promote healing.


During prolotherapy, a doctor repairs weakened tissues by injecting a substance, which is usually sugar alcohol, into the injured area. This solution dehydrates the tissues to help reduce swelling. It then sends a signal to your brain that the tissues are dehydrated and need nutrition and water for the area to survive.

The brain responds by increasing blood flow to the area. Blood flow is important to allow the damaged tissue to heal correctly. The injection will also help trigger the body to heal itself. Once the tissue is repaired, joints can become stable again and you get pain relief. It can take several weeks for you to feel this relief though.

Call Summit Medical Care Center Today!

Contact Summit Medical Care Center, serving Broomfield, to get help with back pain relief through regenerative medicine techniques and other chiropractic care. We are looking forward to helping you relieve your pain.

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