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5 Common Running Pains

5 Common Running Pains

If you are a runner, you are used to some of the pain that runners experience by now. A sports chiropractor at Summit Medical Care Center in Broomfield might be just what you need to deal with the pain associated with frequent running.

1. Runner’s Knee

As the name suggests, runner’s knee is essentially a pain in the knee cap. It usually occurs when you have excessive movement that is overloading the knee which leads to pain. Runner’s knee usually happens when the knee is taking too much of the load when running.

If you experience runner’s knee pain, you should reduce your volume for the next couple of weeks. Hitting the gym and increasing the strength of your legs should help as well. You should also use a foam roller on the hips and quads to release stress from the knee.

2. Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a pain caused by overloading the tissue at the bottom of the foot. Poor running form is usually the main culprit of this pain. You should first reduce your running miles and take some time to heat and ice the pain. You should then go to the gym and work on your balance using exercises like one leg deadlifts. You can also try rolling a round ball under your feet to increase your circulation.

3. Shin Splints

The outside of your shin can get overloaded which causes inflammation. You should visit your doctor to make sure it is not a stress fracture. You can heal it by improving your form and performing one-legged exercises at the gym. You should also tone down your running volume until the pain subsides.

4. IT Band Syndrome

When you overwork your knee when running, your IT band may become inflamed. It can have many causes including weak legs and a stiff ankle. You should use a foam roller on all of your muscles. Visit your doctor if the pain persists.

5. Hip Pain

Hip pain is caused by extremely tight muscles or increased friction in the hip joint due to bursitis.

Consider Chiropractic Care for Your Running Pains

For proper treatment, you need to identify the cause of your pain. Gym exercises for your hip like thrusts and lunges should help strengthen your hip. If you live in the Broomfield area and you’re looking for chiropractic care, call Summit Medical Care Center today at (303) 466-3232 to schedule an appointment.

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