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Your Guide to B12 Lipo Injections and Their Benefits

Your Guide to B12 Lipo Injections and Their Benefits

Lipotropic B12 shots have numerous health benefits. They can help you lose weight and bolster your metabolism. They can also cause your hair to grow back and make you feel better by improving your overall mood. If you are looking for B12 Lipo in Broomfield, come see us at Summit Medical Care Center. Our team will assess you to see if you will benefit from B12 Lipo treatment.

What Are Lipotropic B12 Injections?

These injections are formulated with several vitamins to bolster your health. These include:

  • Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)
  • Inositol
  • Choline
  • Methionine (essential amino acid)

Benefits of Lipotropic B12 injections include:

Weight Loss: Weight gain can be caused by several factors including diet, vitamin deficiencies, and hormonal deficiencies. While diet and exercise remain essential for weight loss, B12 lipo injections can help. The injections aid in weight loss by increasing your energy levels and bolstering your metabolism. Also, the methionine, inositol, and choline combination in the injection allow you to burn more fat during exercise periods.

Increased Metabolism: B12 and inositol are used by the mitochondria to produce energy. This energy is released as you move through your daily life. The more energy you have, the higher your metabolism will be resulting in weight loss. This will also help you keep weight off.

Liver Detoxification: Your liver is responsible for filtering out waste and toxins from your body. If you have a vitamin deficiency, your liver cannot metabolize nutrients, hormones, or some medications as efficiently.

Summit Medical Care Center

As a chiropractor in Broomfield, we regularly provide patients with Lipotropic B12 treatments. While often used for weight loss, additional benefits of B12 injections include improved sleep, stronger hair, improved concentration, and improved mood. Our staff is ready to assist you at our Broomfield, CO clinic. Call today to learn more about B12 lipo injections.

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