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Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Summer

Tips from our Broomfield Chiropractor to Prevent Aches while Gardening

Spring and summer are usually a time to enjoy yard work and gardening. The warmer weather encourages many people to get back into the habit of tending their yard and gardens on the weekends. The only downsides are the aches and pains that often follow after a day spent bending down in the garden. At Summit Medical Care Center, our chiropractor in Broomfield is here to help ease your discomfort. We teach ways to limit pain while gardening and can help you find pain relief, should you strain yourself this summer.

A woman holding her back in front of a garden

Stretch Your Muscles

Before you start working in your garden or yard, stretch your muscles. Reach slowly toward your feet while keeping your back straight. Do not stretch until you feel pain. You want to feel a gentle stretch that helps loosen up your muscles. Reach your hands over your head and slowly stretch backward. You also want to stretch out your legs and arms. 

Hug and Twist

Reduce the muscle pain in your back by stretching out the muscles. Hug your body and slowly twist to one side. Hold the pose when you feel a slight stretch and then come back to the center. Repeat on the other side. It will give your back a gentle stretch and reduce any discomfort from bending while you plant in your garden.

Cool Your Muscles

If you notice muscle pain after gardening or yard work, then put a cold pack on the area. The cold will help alleviate your pain. You can use cold for 48 hours and then switch to a hot pack.

Work with Our Chiropractic Team

If you notice pain after gardening or yard work, contact our chiropractor. Our chiropractor provides all natural, drug-free treatment to help alleviate back pain or muscle aches. Our treatments focus on the cause of your pain and can help prevent future strains.

Contact our Broomfield Chiropractor at Summit Medical Care Center

Follow these simple tips to prevent injuries while gardening this spring and summer. Seek treatment early when a problem develops. To learn more about chiropractic care for your muscle aches call (303) 466-3232 today to schedule an appointment at our chiropractic center in Broomfield.

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