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How Wave Therapy Helps with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

Wave Therapy Can Help You Regain Your Comfort and Mobility

Arthritis is a potentially crippling ailment that can ruin your quality of life if it goes untreated. It's such a common problem that many people seem to dismiss it as something they just have to live with, becoming reliant on medications that provide temporary pain relief at best. But your Broomfield CO chiropractor, Dr. Richardson, and Dr. Anderson can offer you an amazing, non-invasive alternative for regaining comfort and mobility -- Wave Therapy at Summit Medical Care Center.


The Targets: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

To understand how Wave Therapy can treat arthritis without drugs, it's first necessary to understand exactly what arthritis is and what causes it. Two of the main categories of arthritis see by our Broomfield CO chiropractor is degenerative arthritis and inflammatory arthritis. Osteoarthritis belongs to the former category. This painful condition develops when the layer of cushioning cartilage between the bone ends in joint starts to thin out and break up. While this process can be aggravated by sports injuries or other acute events, it's also a common byproduct of age-related wear and tear. As the joint maintains less and less cushioning against bone-on-bone friction, it begins to experience pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Rheumatoid arthritis belongs to the inflammatory arthritis category. In this condition, the body's immune system treats the joints as if they were an invading germ to be attacked. This causes inflammation in the synovial fluid that lubricates the joints, producing pain and swelling that may come and go. Over time, permanent joint damage and deformation may develop.

How Wave Therapy Fights Arthritis

Wave Therapy at Summit Medical Care Center can serve as a potent rheumatoid arthritis treatment due to its ability to reduce inflammation through the use of acoustic (sound) waves. These waves appear to have an effect on mast cells. These specialized cells are located in connective tissue and send out chemical signals as part of the body's immune response -- which makes them a prime player in the conditions that create rheumatoid arthritis. Acoustic waves can influence the behavior of the mast cells in ways that reduce the inflammatory response in joints.

The same acoustic waves that reduce inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis can also aid osteoarthritis treatment. Not only does Wave Therapy reduce the inflammation caused by insufficient cartilage in the joints, but it also enhances circulation. This boost in blood flow helps inflammatory substances exit the joint while also conveying a relaxing warm sensation to relieve pain and stiffness.

Ready to Experience Drug-Free Arthritis Relief?

You may be genuinely amazed at how effective Wave Therapy is for your chronic arthritis symptoms -- not to mention the sheer ease of the procedure itself. Unlike more location-specific sound wave therapies that apply energy to specific body parts through hand-held instruments, Wave Therapy is as simple as sitting, fully clothed, in a treatment room (often in the company of other patients). The Wave Therapy machine stands in the center of the room, sending out low-frequency acoustic waves that permeate the entire body. A typical treatment session prescribed by your Broomfield CO chiropractor may take as little as 30 minutes, with results that continue to increase post-session as inflammation in the joints continues to decrease.

Call Us Today To Schedule An Appointment! Contact Your Broomfield CO Chiropractor Today

If you're ready to experience the cutting edge in non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis treatment, do your joints the favor of a lifetime. Call Summit Medical Care Center at 303-466-3232 to arrange for a consultation and evaluation from our skilled health and wellness team to find out whether Wave Therapy makes sense for your particular type of arthritis. We may hold the secret to a healthier, happier, more mobile lifestyle for you!

What kind of arthritis have you been diagnosed with? What kinds of treatment methods have you attempted to tame it within the past?

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