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What Are Trigger Point Injections?

What Are Trigger Point Injections?

Have you ever had a muscle “knot” - a small, tender lump that causes considerable pain and achiness in or around a muscle? That's called a “trigger point,” and most of us have had these tender spots at some point in time, usually in the neck or back. Trigger points are areas of muscle tissue that has become inflamed and swollen, and in addition to localized pain and tenderness, they can also cause pain that radiates into neighboring tissues that depend on the muscle for movement or support. Trigger points in the upper back, for instance, are a common cause of neck pain, shoulder pain, and even chronic headaches. In addition, trigger points can contribute to chronic pain issues like fibromyalgia, pelvic pain syndrome, and myofascial pain syndrome.

Man with back pain in Broomfield, CO

Unlike the more diffuse and widespread muscle discomfort that can occur after prolonged exercise or a period of heavy lifting, trigger point pain centers on specific points of inflammation deep within the muscle tissue, and “breaking up” and relaxing these knots of tissue can be difficult. Without proper care, trigger points can continue to cause pain and discomfort with symptoms sometimes becoming severe enough to interfere with regular daily activities.

How Trigger Point Injections Can Help

Trigger point injections use special solutions of local anesthetics delivered right to the affected tissues to help decrease painful symptoms and relax the know, restoring pain-free range of motion. Depending on the symptoms, corticosteroid medications developed specifically to stop the inflammatory process may also be included in the solution, helping to reduce swelling and other symptoms so healing can begin.

Trigger point injections take just a few moments to perform, using a very thin needle to access the localized areas of inflammation. Prior to injection, a topical or local anesthetic may also be used to numb the injection site. Multiple trigger points can be treated during the same session. Although many trigger points respond well to a single injection, some more stubborn areas of inflammation may require more than one injection to achieve long-term relief.

Trigger Point Injections in Broomfield, CO

Summit Medical Care Center is a leading provider of trigger point injections in Broomfield, CO, providing each patient with the individualized care and treatment needed for long-term relief of symptoms. Not every type of chronic musculoskeletal pain involves trigger points, so being evaluated is the best way to determine if trigger point injections are the most appropriate treatment. Before trigger point injections are administered, a comprehensive “hands-on” evaluation of your pain and other symptoms will be performed to look for localized areas of swelling that indicate a trigger point is present. To schedule your personalized evaluation or to learn more about trigger point injections and other treatments, call us at 303-466-3232, and take that first step toward relieving your own painful symptoms.

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