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What Are Supartz Knee Injections?

Understanding Supartz Knee Injections in Broomfield

If you have been suffering from worsening knee pain and stiffness, you may have developed osteoarthritis in the knee joint. This condition can have a severe impact on your quality of life -- but you may shy away from the notion of consuming a constant diet of painkillers or undergoing major knee replacement surgery. Here at Summit Medical Care Center, we employ a variety of physical medicine techniques to relieve pain and other symptoms as naturally as possible. Supartz knee injections are one means of doing this by giving the knee joint what it desperately needs -- internal lubrication.Man in Broomfield with knee pain

To understand how Supartz knee injections might help you, it is important to understand exactly what causes osteoarthritis pain and stiffness in the first place. Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage between the bone ends in your knee deteriorates, thinning down and breaking up to the point where it can no longer cushion the bone ends against painful friction. another important friction preventative is hyaluronic acid, an ingredient in the synovial fluid that lubricates the joint. Osteoarthritis sufferers produce less hyaluronic acid than usual, promoting cartilage degeneration and joint pain.

A technique called viscosupplementation can add much-needed lubricating fluid to the knee joint -- and Supartz knee injections belong to this category of treatment. The injections include a natural substance (taken from chicken combs) called sodium hyaluronic. This substance bears a closer resemblance to the human body's own hyaluronic acid than any other viscosupplementation product currently on the market. Supartz was approved by the FDA for knee treatment in 2001, but it has been used with success in Japan since 1987. A series of Supartz injections can relieve osteoarthritis pain, improve range of motion and generally help you get around more comfortably.

Viscosupplementation at Summit Medical Care Center

Viscosupplementation via Supartz knee injections at summit Medical Care Center is a process, not an instant fix. First, we will examine the knee carefully to determine exactly where the injections should be administered, marking the injection site with a tiny circle. the site is sterilized and injected with a local anesthetic. We then draw out the knee's own supply of fluid and inject Supartz directly into the knee joint.

You may experience some warmth and swelling right after the injection; this can be treated with ice. It's important not to over-exert the knee for the first 48 hours following treatment. Supartz knee injections are typically administered as a series of five injections at a rate of one injection per week. Be advised that it may take three or more injections before you experience significant relief. Contact Summit Medical Care Center to find out whether Supartz knee infections are right for you!

How long have you suffered from knee pain and stiffness? To what extent has it limited your everyday activities?

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