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Managing Auto Injury Pain with Chiropractic Care

Managing Denver Car Accident Injury Pain with Chiropractic Care

If you have recently been in an auto collision, chiropractic care can help manage your pain and heal your injuries. Colorado Spine & Disc provides quality Denver whiplash treatment for those who have sustained car accident in the area.

Common Denver Auto Accident Injuries

Our Denver auto accident chiropractors understand that motor vehicle wrecks are notorious for causing hidden injuries, including whiplash, bulging and herniated disks, shoulder injuries, and spinal misalignments.

Whiplash is by far the most common injury complaint after a car collision. While the seatbelt protects your body, there is nothing to adequately protect your head and neck as it whips between the headrest and your seatbelt. This creates spinal misalignments in your neck and upper back, which result in severe headaches and stiffness of the neck. Therefore, if you are experiencing Denver neck pain or stiffness after an accident, you may have whiplash. 

If the sciatic nerve gets compressed or pinched during the collision, it can cause immediate sciatica, and the impact from the seatbelt can cause injuries and strains in the shoulder. Thankfully, our practice provides car accident treatment in Denver to deliver relief for your back and neck pain. 

Our auto accident chiropractic clinic in Broomfield, CO utilizes several natural treatments to provide pain relief and help heal your injury.

Treating Auto Accident Injuries With Our Chiropractor in Broomfield, CO

Our Broomfield chiropractor treats back, neck and shoulder injuries with chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and physical therapy. In addition, we also offer spinal decompression for sciatic nerve pain and disc injuries. In general, we use a combination of these treatments to help alleviate your pain as fast as possible. Massage therapy helps to relax the muscles of the back and neck, improves blood flow, helps release lactic acid, breaks up scar tissue and decreases the discomfort of chiropractic adjustments.

The chiropractic adjustments help restore your spine and neck’s natural curvature and provide pain relief from pinched and compressed nerves and discs. Spinal decompression increases the space between the discs so that they can retract and heal. Physical therapy helps improve your range of motion and circulation and increases the strength of the injured areas of your body.

When these treatments are combined, your injuries heal faster and your pain is reduced, which decreases the need for surgery or other invasive procedures and pain medications and anti-inflammatories.

What types of treatment have you tried for your car collision injuries?

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