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How Chiropractors Can Help with Migraines

How Chiropractors Can Help with Migraines

migraine-headacheChiropractic care can help you reduce your migraines and severe headaches and your reliance on strong prescription medications so that you can resume your active lifestyle. If you are experiencing migraines in the Denver area, our chiropractor is here to help. 

Causes of Migraine Headaches

More than 95 percent of severe headaches and migraines are considered primary headaches, which means they are not caused by underlying conditions or disease. Though, they may have certain triggers, including noise, light, stress and certain foods. Potential other migraine causes include remaining in the same position for many hours a day, not drinking enough water, not exercising and having minor misalignments in the vertebrae.

Severe Headache Treatments with our Broomfield Chiropractor

Eating the right amount of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats can reduce the frequency of migraines you experience because your body is receiving the proper nutrition it requires and not processing as many additives and preservatives, which can cause adverse reactions in some people.

Correcting your posture while sitting, standing and working can also decrease the frequency of migraines by reducing the pressure exerted on certain muscle groups and nerves. If you work at a desk, we recommend standing and stretching several times a day. This can increase blood flow and help prevent sore and tight muscles and neck stiffness. We can also show you how to setup your office desk, keyboard, monitor and chair to reduce fatigue and prevent repetitive motion injuries.

Are you ready to try chiropractic treatments for your headaches and migraines in Broomfield?

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