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Relieve Stress With Chiropractic Care

Relieve Stress With Chiropractic Care

If you're like us, you're looking forward to the upcoming holiday season. Festive decorations, heart-warming family gatherings and lots of great food make November and December memorable for most people.

But the hustle and bustle of the season can also increase the amount of stress you experience and that really takes a toll on your body. Did you know chiropractic care can help relieve stress? Studies have shown that chiropractic care improving the body's immune function which can significantly reduce stress.

How Does Chiropractic Care Reduce Stress?

People who receive regular chiropractic care have improved their nerve and spinal function; which dramatically improves your ability to function emotionally, mentally and physically. Dr. Ronald Pero, who served as chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute and as a professor of medicine at New York University, conducted pioneering research to prove the correlation.

Dr. Pero measured the immune systems of people under chiropractic care, those of the general population and those of people with cancer and other diseases. Of the 107 people he examined, those who received chiropractic care for five years or longer were found to have a 200 percent greater immune competence than people who didn't visit a chiropractor. The chiropractic patients had a 400 percent greater immune competence than people with a serious disease.

What to Expect at Summit Chiropractic Care Center

Our staff is committed to helping you live a healthy, pain-free life. We want all our patients to know that the benefits of chiropractic care go much further than correcting pain in your back, neck or legs. Working together, we can develop a treatment plan designed to address your overall well being. We want you to thrive not just during the holidays, but all year long.

Are you looking forward to the holidays this year or are you stressed about the festivities?

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