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Understanding Sciatica

Understanding Sciatica

SciaticaAre you suffering from a nagging pain down the back of your legs? Do you have to make frequent stops while walking because of sudden, sharp shooting pains in your low back and buttocks? If so, you could be suffering from sciatica. Our experienced sciatica chiropractors understand that this type of pain can keep you from the activities you love most. At Colorado Spine & Disc we strive to help you understand how sciatica may be affecting your lifestyle and the steps you can take to experience pain relief now.

Our Chiropractor Helps You Understand Sciatica

The sciatic nerve begins in the bottom of the sacrum, the triangularly shaped bone just above the buttocks. When the associated muscles become tightened such as the piriformis and glutes, they can compress the nerve causing pain and discomfort. The sciatic nerve can also become compressed as a result of vertebrae becoming misaligned- this may produce disc herniation where the improperly positioned disc applies pressure to the sciatic nerve, causing pain.

If you are experiencing pain down the back of your legs, pain predominantly along one side of the buttocks, possible burning, numbness and tingling, pain that makes it difficult to stand in one position or stand for prolonged periods of time, low back pain or discomfort or your legs give out while you walk, you may be experiencing pain due to sciatic nerve compression.

Sciatica can also be caused by spondylolisthesis. This condition occurs when one vertebral body falls out of place forward on the one below it as a result of a small fracture in a piece of bone that connects the two joints on the back side of the spinal column. If this is your cause of sciatica you may notice a lower back sway as well as chronically tight hamstring muscles. If you find relief while seated or resting in a reclined position, this may be the cause of your sciatic pain. It is common that hamstrings will also be very tight and you may notice a sway to your low back. If you feel relief when sitting or in a reclined position, this condition may be the cause of your sciatica. Our sciatica chiropractor will ask if you experience deep aching low back pain, low back pain that travels through the buttocks and down the back of the leg or pain that may be worse when standing for long periods of time.

Piriformis syndrome occurs when muscle spasms in the buttocks cause pain and irritation to the sciatic nerve. If you suffer from numbness and tingling along the back sides of your legs, down into your foot, this could be your cause. If you have exceptionally tight piriformis muscles and intermittent swelling.

After determining the cause of your sciatica, We will develop an individualized plan. If you are ready to discover sciatic relief, please call us for an appointment today!

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