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Common Pains at Work That Signal a Chiropractic Visit

Man with shoulder pain

Chiropractic Treatments for Common Workplace Injuries and Pain

Most people fail to realize they can be injured on the job without being involved in a traumatic incident. Many workplace injuries happen to people every day, and they are often unaware of when they happened or even how they happened. Here at Summit Medical Care Center, our goal is to educate people about workplace injuries that are common but rarely considered.

Back Aches and Pains

Oftentimes people complain about lower back pain after a long day at work. They simply go home and take something for their discomfort, and think no more about it. It should be noted that simply taking something for the discomfort only masks the problem, while the root of the problem still remains. Back pain is something that is common in nearly all professions, and it has more to do with workplace ergonomics than anything else. Improper positioning can also apply stress on the neck and middle back as well.

Shoulder Pain and Stiffness

Shoulder pain and stiffness is generally seen in professions where manual labor is involved. Sometimes this pain comes from heavy lifting, or from operating heavy machinery. It can also be the result of having to reach up and move in directions that are not normal. These types of injuries result from repetition and improper body mechanics. One of the things we do here in our clinic is using chiropractic treatment modalities to help people alleviate their pain. We use hot and cold therapies, and ultrasound therapy to help with these types of workplace injuries. In addition, our chiropractor uses exercise therapy and strength training exercises to help people build the strength and endurance they need to ward off future injuries.

Wrist Pain

Many people who work in office settings and use computers to do the vast majority of their work complain about wrist pain. One of the most common conditions associated with wrist pain is carpal tunnel syndrome. There are, however, other conditions associated with wrist pain like arthritis. The source of this type of pain is the result of repetitive motions. Our doctors not only treat carpal tunnel syndrome, but they also teach people how they can avoid these types of issues in the future.

Don't Let Your Workplace Aches and Pains Limit You – Call Summit Medical Care Center

Pain and discomfort related to your profession can not only put a damper on your job performance, but they can also interfere with your life at home. Understanding why you are in pain and recognizing the source of that pain is the only way you will be able to do something about it. Give us a call here at Summit Medical Care Center in Colorado Springs at 303-466-3232 so that we can help you live your fullest life possible.

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