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Headaches and Migraines

Headache & Migraine Treatment from our Chiropractors in  Lakewood, Westminster, and Aurora

Chronic headaches are all too common in the U.S., afflicting up to 90 percent of us sooner or later. Migraines may be somewhat less commonplace, but they can prove especially debilitating. If you've been suffering from either of these issues recently, you may be experiencing the side effects of cervical damage sustained in an auto accident injury. But help is at hand here at Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers, your home for effective, drug-free headache & migraine treatment.

woman suffering from a painful headache

Headaches and Migraines: Two Painful Problems

You might think of tension headaches as the product of emotional tension or workplace stress -- but actually, the tension in question is tightness in the neck muscles that causes them to go into spasm. The spasms irritate cranial membranes such as the dura mater, producing a tension headache. If your cervical spine was thrown out of alignment in an accident, your head literally may be sitting crooked on your neck. This may place your neck muscles under continuous, unnatural strain. The sheer physical trauma created by whiplash can even cause what's known as a whiplash headache. In this case, you may be struggling with torn (not just tight) neck muscles, damaged connective tissues, cervical nerve impingement, and other potential headache factors.

Whiplash injuries are also notorious for causing or greatly worsening chronic migraines. It's harder to trace the exact chain of internal events that makes someone vulnerable to migraines, but physical injury and stress are definitely a known trigger. These mega-headaches cause not only intense pain but also light sensitivity, ringing in the ears, nausea, vomiting, and other awful symptoms.

How Your Chiropractor Can Ease Your Pain

Either chiropractor on our team, Dr. Higgins or Dr. Losiewicz, can help you overcome your chronic symptoms the safe, natural way by addressing their underlying biomechanical causes. Many tension headache conditions can be relieved by small corrections to the cervical spine that corrects your head/neck alignment. Chiropractic treatment can also realign joints and discs pushed out of place by whiplash. Massage therapy and rehabilitative exercises may also be part of your headache program. Migraines also respond well to chiropractic adjustment, which can reduce both the frequency and the intensity of the attacks.

Schedule Natural Relief with our Chiropractor in Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, or Centennial CO

Don't let nagging headaches or migraines linger as an unpleasant memento of an auto accident. Call our chiropractors in Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, or Centennial, CO today to schedule a consultation and evaluation. We can provide the conservative care you need to get this painful problem out of your head -- and out of your life! Contact Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers at (303) 457-4570.