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Headaches After a Car Accident

If you have suffered from an auto accident injury, it can be challenging to determine why you're now suffering from debilitating headaches and migraines. Sadly, this is an all-too-common occurrence for people after a car accident. Headaches and migraines can result from stress after an accident, muscle aches, or due to a condition known as whiplash. Whatever the cause of your headaches, they can quickly lead to a lowered quality of life, making it impossible to do even simple tasks such as cleaning, walking, running, or playing with your family. However, if you have been suffering from headaches after a car accident, you’ll be able to recover with the help of a chiropractor!


At Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers, our chiropractor is trained to help provide the best chiropractic care possible to alleviate headaches after a car accident and treat any other auto accident injury you might be suffering. Our clients in Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, and the surrounding areas love our attention to detail and the one-on-one customer service we help provide.

What Causes Headaches After a Car Accident?

Your car accident might have led to a condition known as whiplash. Your injury in which the jerking motion of the neck causes serious issues, such as neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and even confusion and dizziness to arrive. In addition to whiplash, you might also suffer from sore and inflamed upper back muscles, which can compress the surrounding occipital nerve and lead to cervical neuralgia headaches.

The stress of an accident can also create tension, headaches, and migraines. Only a trained chiropractor can determine the root cause of your headache and find the best treatment to effectively get rid of your headaches rather than mask the symptoms.

How Can a Chiropractor Help my Auto Accident Injury?

Your chiropractor will determine the root cause of your headaches by conducting a complete physical exam. Then, they can provide chiropractic care, such as adjustments to help realign the spine after an accident. Massage therapy and trigger point therapy can also help target injured muscles in the upper back, neck, and shoulder areas, reducing pain and headaches stemming from these damaged areas.

Find the Best Treatment At Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers

You don't have to suffer from headaches after a car accident forever. Contact us today to get the help you need to find relief at Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers! Call any of the following numbers, Westminster (303) 457-4570, Lakewood (720) 328-9033, or Aurora (303) 927-7027.