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Hip & Leg Pain

Hip and Leg Pain Treatment from our Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, and the Centennial Chiropractors

It’s easy to take your hip and leg for granted, not realizing how important both really are. If you are experiencing hip or leg pain as a result of an auto accident, getting immediate care from a doctor should be your first priority. A car crash can also leave you with pain in the back or neck. Stress and strain on the body after an accident is often overlooked until painful symptoms start to materialize. Getting diagnosed and treated by a chiropractor can help alleviate the symptoms you may be experiencing.

man with hip pain getting treat by a chiropractor

Getting Personal Injury Chiropractic Care

The hip is one of the most important parts of the body, as it regulates when we get up, sit down, walk, and more. Our team will diagnose your injuries to recommend a regiment that will immediately alleviate the pain you are feeling. Some symptoms of hip and leg pain include cramps, pain in the thigh, groin, and buttocks or inside of the hip joint. While an auto accident may have been the underlying cause of these symptoms, it could also have been the trigger to identify other issues that may not have been evident.

When experiencing hip or leg pain, you may feel as if you cannot stretch all the way out, or you may have problems walking or exercising. These are common signs that something may be lying under the surface and needs medical attention. Hip or leg pain can worsen after prolonged inactivity or repetitive activity. There may also be a radiating pain whenever you attempt to move.  

Treatment for Hip and Leg Pain

There are a number of treatments designed to ease the pressure and restore mobility. These include massage therapy, stretching, hot/cold treatments, and other non-invasive solutions. Hip or hip replacement surgery is only recommended in extreme circumstances. Working with a good chiropractic team that can alleviate these symptoms can restore your quality of life.

Contact Our Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, or Centennial Chiropractors Today

Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers are here to help! Serving Aurora, Lakewood, and the Westminster areas, there are three locations to accommodate patient needs. Dr. Christopher Higgins and Dr. Ron Losiewicz work to restore each patient to their normal activities in a timely manner. No one likes to walk around in pain, wondering when they will be able to restore their daily routines. 

For more information on our services and how we can assist, contact an associate at (303) 457-4570 to make an appointment to start your treatment plan today.