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Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common sources of discomfort. Almost everyone suffers from back pain at one point or another. In the U.S., a quarter of adults can point to their latest lower back pain flare-up within the last three months. 


Do I Need Treatment for My Lower Back Pain?

Low back pain can be felt in many different ways and may be caused by different things. Most back pain is acute. Acute pain often resolves itself without medical intervention. When pain persists, or if pain develops after a car accident, it's a good idea to have our chiropractor look at what went wrong so you can get the treatment you need. 

Getting to the Bottom of Your Lower Back Pain

If the only time your back hurts is when you help someone move, count yourself as one of the lucky ones.  For most, learning to be mindful in our daily lives to avoid injury is difficult. Most of the time, lower back pain can be traced to a single event, or participation in an activity that could be causing muscle strain, such as repetitive motions during sports or similar activities.

In some cases, back pain becomes chronic. This happens if an injury is not given the proper chance to heal or if you develop a condition where pain is prevalent, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis.

At Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers, our diagnostic tools help us pinpoint the exact cause of someone’s pain. Once we determine the source of your lower back or other pain, we work with you to ensure that you have the right kind of treatment for your injury. This is especially important if you are injured outside your home, such as at work or in a car accident, so you have the evidence you need for insurance purposes.

No matter where you live in the Denver area, you deserve to feel your best. If you have lower back pain that just isn't going away, there is a good chance we can help. To learn more, schedule an appointment by contacting us at Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers at one of our four convenient locations: Westminster at (303) 457-4570, Aurora at (303) 927-7027, Lakewood at (720) 328-9033, or Centennial at 303-649-9950.